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New Earth Angel

I just realized that in a relationship there is sun to sun, water to water, air to air and earth to earth exchange. Learning to find balance in this combustion builds a meaningful relationship. I’m happy to say that a white relationship Angel showed up today in GOLOV.

And now the pressure releases. Another birth in consciousness. So very Goddess !!

Battery Function

Strange day. My head feels pressure and my body is still. I have to shift gears into drive because a friend and I are going out for dinner.

Thinking, processing the relationship of fire and matter. Sun and Earth. Fire as incoming rays and up roaring magma. Fire as desire. Fire as Love. Fire as hormonal chemistry. Fire as combustion. A combustion engine!

Charge fills me (inhale). Discharge expresses me (exhale). Recharge renews me (stillness). How do these gears work within and with another in relationship? Honest communication may be a release valve—a way to let off steam, loosen the gears and ground/share consciousness. In the past I’ve let the battery die. I’ve made a commitment with myself to no longer do that. And so I’m processing and pushing myself to get moving! It’s Light Work and I know all is moving forward.

I saw a gear start to slip today. I caught it at the early stage of attitude and then zoomed in on its mental and emotional nature. I then stopped it in its tracks! Love moves at new degrees of N/S/E/W. No need to fear its intensity. Fire is also intelligent and balances well with air, water and earth.

“Combustion Engines are typically powered by fossil fuels like natural gas or petroleum products such as gasolinediesel fuel or fuel oilRenewable fuels like biodiesel are used in compression ignition (CI) engines and bioethanol or ETBE (ethyl tert-butyl ether) produced from bioethanol in spark ignition (SI) engines. Renewable fuels are commonly blended with fossil fuels.  Hydrogen, which is rarely used, can be obtained from either fossil fuels or renewable energy.”

Harness Sun power !! Clear, clean, dependable, circular fuel 🌀🌀

Love is a core experience. Feel it !!

Lucid Dream of Speed in Motion

Two dream frames this morning involving traveling from point A to point B. The first frame was normal travel. The second frame (I questioned why I needed two trips) was cosmic. The mode of transportation moved so fast that I felt suspended by its centrifugal force. My whole body felt the sensation and I wondered about safety since there was no covering of any kind over or around me. How can one move so fast from point A to point B? It was a miraculous transporting machine and a cosmic thrill to feel its motion against my body. Sounds like e-motion !!

Grounded Wire

I feel/see (sense) the thread/connector of an external relationship and notice when it is solid or weak. Is the cause of this differential due to my thinking or feeling? It definitely has to do with the degree of temperature. Thought fires temperature and feeling delivers it.

I’m sensing that thinking wraps around feeling like a wrapped wire. (Is a wrapped wire a grounded wire?) Maybe both happen at once with sensing the circular, conscious overview.

I think of fuel in a car. One has to step on the gas pedal to ignite the engine. And before that one has to turn the key. And before that is a conscious being who knows how the vehicle works.

This new field has a larger and more clear range of choice with increased freedom. My thoughts and feelings are wired and fired in my brain and I’m getting a handle on these words at a new level. As wire wrapping happens in brain it’s happening in body. Why is this feeling revolutionary/evolutionary? It has to do with grounding. A grounded wire has evolved. Brain to body with its thought/feeling and feeling/thought. Body to body with expanded connector.

All this wordiness leads to the bottom line: I’m feeling committed in this new relationship. With myself and another. This feels a bit wobbly because I have to prove it out, act it out. I’ve never been at this level of conscious loving. It’s totally New Earth.

Grounded Wire definition:

As the name implies, a ground wire is an electrical wire that extends into the ground below your home. … A ground wire helps those positive charges get to the ground in a safe, direct and controlled way, where they can be discharged without the risk of electrical shock or fire.

I like the sound of this — my brain, heart, body like the sound of this. Less wobble, more roll with Spirit.


Why does one tree break or fall over in a storm while another stays intact and upright? Why does one species go extinct while another evolves?

Personal storms leave their marks so one can learn more about oneself. Storms in a relationship leave their marks so more can be learned about the relationship. What causes a relationship to break? What causes a relationship to stay intact and do more than survive—to thrive?

I give full credit to Spirit, the Force behind the scenes directing the show. Resilience is the effect of Spirit.

I’m having a deja-vu moment. I’ve said this before. It’s familiar. And yet it’s new this time around, always new. Birthing newness is a celebration. Take time to celebrate.

Who is willing? Who is able? To do this spiritual work? We are all being called to step up and step out into the larger field of giving and receiving = Emotional Intelligence.

Unraveling Code

Hot to cold is a pattern in my telepathic relationships with men. Connect and disconnect. It’s also a pattern I created in my relationships when I preferred being alone with Spirit/Goddess rather than with people. This N/cold and S/hot pattern is missing E/W. For some reason this comes up subconsciously as traumatic and takes me away from center. It’s not something I control—until now—when I look at it and understand it as one whole phenomena or wave. It’s bigger than a birthing from warm womb to cold environment. It’s bigger than disconnected relationships with parents. It’s bigger than lack of self-love. I’m thinking it’s chemical and alchemical. I’m thinking the wobble of Earth is the wobble of cellular structure. No doubt we are rearranging tiny parts and larger wholes to stop the wobble and be stable with Center, in Center, as Center. This is core knowing. This seeing is old pattern shifting into New Earth.

Yay!! Gears shift this morning as I think to start the video for my book Turtle’s Circle of Life. Starting for me is not mental or goal oriented. It’s not outside in. Starting is when gears say that it’s time and I, in turn, am moved. What moves the gears? Spirit. What chemical compound is Spirit? What is Galaxy Glue? I get that it’s “blue” — must be the poet in me. It’s in the air, water, earth and fire. It’s buoyant and keeps us afloat and upright. It’s a simple answer. It’s Light of Love and Love of Light. What chemistry is this ??

Community = Chemical Compound


chemical bond is a lasting attraction between atomsions or molecules that enables the formation of chemical compounds. The bond may result from the electrostatic force of attraction between oppositely charged ions as in ionic bonds or through the sharing of electrons as in covalent bonds. The strength of chemical bonds varies considerably; there are “strong bonds” or “primary bonds” such as covalent, ionic and metallic bonds, and “weak bonds” or “secondary bonds” such as dipole–dipole interactions, the London dispersion force and hydrogen bonding.

Since opposite charges attract via a simple electromagnetic force, the negatively charged electrons that are orbiting the nucleus and the positively charged protons in the nucleus attract each other. An electron positioned between two nuclei will be attracted to both of them, and the nuclei will be attracted toward electrons in this position. This attraction constitutes the chemical bond.[1] Due to the matter wave nature of electrons and their smaller mass, they must occupy a much larger amount of volume compared with the nuclei, and this volume occupied by the electrons keeps the atomic nuclei in a bond relatively far apart, as compared with the size of the nuclei themselves.[5]

In general, strong chemical bonding is associated with the sharing or transfer of electrons between the participating atoms. The atoms in moleculescrystalsmetals and diatomic gases—indeed most of the physical environment around us—are held together by chemical bonds, which dictate the structure and the bulk properties of matter.

All bonds can be explained by quantum theory, but, in practice, simplification rules allow chemists to predict the strength, directionality, and polarity of bonds. The octet rule and VSEPR theory are two examples. More sophisticated theories are valence bond theory, which includes orbital hybridization[6]and resonance,[7] and molecular orbital theory[8]which includes linear combination of atomic orbitalsand ligand field theoryElectrostatics are used to describe bond polarities and the effects they have on chemical substances.

Cause & Effect

To unravel cause and effect is a challenge. I start one thread at a time—if/when it’s time.

Recently two people I love received my emotional reaction (more heated than response). In both cases I felt a heated wave move up at the disconnect I was experiencing. My emotional fire in response caused more disconnect. My body breathes fire. (I won’t go into the scenario of women as too emotional or the scenario of men as unemotional and acting out through warfare.)

I’m having another emotional reaction that is similar yet different. This fire that has me in a grip has to do with a bond that is in place (agreement)—rather than bonds that are not in place (disagreement). The bond is meditation and the effect is that I cannot meditate with different partners. I seem to be in a groove that I can’t change. This fire is a bond where the other fires had to do with addressing a lack of bonding.

So, I’m moving through life by fire? How do I break that down? How do I add water, air and earth? I’m getting that this communication does just that through an unraveling process. This implies that communication has different temperatures in order to create change. What change do I want to create? Why disharmony to get to increasing harmony? Why chaos to get to order? And what/when/where/why is order? It’s in process. Right now the process feels heavy because of two gears that I have jammed with moving fire.

Thank you, Lee !

An Inspirational book of Wholeness

Reviewed on Amazon in the United States on January 2, 2022

S/HE DRAGON spoke to me in many ways. The author’s writing is engaging and it excited my interest with beautiful sacred insights, heartfelt storytelling, and delightful poetry. I share the connection, that the author has, to Mother Gaia and I love the way she honors Mother Earth. This is an inspirational book of Wholeness – showing how from darkness one can come into the light and to be open to whatever shows up in our lives. This book really helped me to explore a “bigger picture”. We can connect with Spirit while living our everyday lives. This is a book I will keep and treasure!