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Neural Network Imaging

At center within myself and a negative “wire” wants to deposit a negative response. I know the signal and feeling. It has run through many times before. This time I see it from a new spatial angle and recognize it from the Book of Revelation.

It appears that being at center, being neutral, is a space of influence where Dark and Light signals push and pull. Who or what is behind these signals? 

Sphere of influence on matter

Positive and negative

Head Light needed to Light the way. 

That was moving this morning nannying. After work more insights/downloads:

I met the “Beast” this morning. Up close and personal. Oh, he’s been hanging around for a long time but now he’s at the edge of Center showing me his influence. It’s why I/we need boundaries that say “no” to him. Boundaries that keep us uplifted in positive thoughts, feelings, actions as well as foods we take into our Temple and the people that we associate with in our Temple. “What protects us from this Beast of evil influence?” I asked driving out of the car wash. “Meditation!” was my response. 

Then as I drive home a cool song plays on KLOV Christian Radio which I rarely listen to. Perfect Timing! Sent it to three people in the family. One being Parker and he immediately responded with “love you”.  

Song is called Sunday Sermons by Anne Wilson.

Jesus was my first boyfriend. Met him in Sunday School. He had such a beautiful heart and his healings moved my heart. I can feel that passionate Sunday School love now. That experience “marked” me and kept me and keeps me safe through trials and tribulations. It marked me with boundaries. I’m now getting: “Rainbow Boundaries” and my crown charges. Such a mystical life I breathe and walk💕

Family Support

What a day! Grandson passes out during basketball practice and goes to ER to check possible concussion. The tube that draws blood has a leak and his blood sprays the walls and floor. Other crazy stuff happens. 

I go down to calm the waters, make positive statements. I visit my Ex in ER and tell him I love him. It’s been a long time since I’ve said that to him. Actually, it’s the first time he’s heard it from me unconditionally.

For the first time in my life (seriously!) I had a solid and grounded conversation with my daughter. I was in my body the entire night! I was able to fully engage, communicate and participate in 3-D. Such a victory! Imagine kids growing up with this mom who wasn’t in her body! Now, I observe it all. Emotionless, with a new sense of wisdom

The hour drive to Tacoma felt like a chorus of Angels under the car. Lots of prayers and love were being sent to Parker and Leah and I felt it❣️ Uplifting! The entire evening was one of smooth sailing. Can such peace be sustained? Can my nerves stay above the chaos? Getting out of future and into Now I say “Thank you” to Spirit for guidance and protection in these turbulent hours and days.

Getting home I post upcoming Turtle’s Circle of Life presentations. Dark and Light go hand in hand. It’s all in a day’s work!

To reweave what was broken. To lay foundations anew. To do the work of Spider Medicine.

Seer And Scribe (-/+)

It’s a new morning and I don’t feel like meditating. My body doesn’t feel like meditating. The focus is “dry land” right now. I’ve been here before and by now it’s “know thyself. There is no “should” here. So, is this dry land something that connects the pineal and pituitary? Is this the Philosopher”s Stone? I sense that—I see that. I see an “isthmus” and will look that word up. One part feeds another part like gears! Words of communication help dry land appear.

I”be been this “scribe” in this lifetime, on this Earth, for nearly fifty years. Why is that important? What I focus on is my passion, my life force—and the throat chakra takes a bow as it moves through my writing hand. Grounded and grounding is satisfying. And yet around the bend is a space for no words, only silence. Another dance of Energy and Matter; Light and Dark; Day and Night; Masculine and Feminine.

And the beat goes on. The music plays and we, Beings of Light, dance. May all Earth dance from micro to macro and macro to micro—looping, circulating, filling in (inhale) consciousness past, present, future because we fill it out (exhale).

unconscious — subconscious — conscious — held together, bound together (boundaries!) by — cosmic consciousness.

What’s New? Gears!

My brain was stretched trying to contain and manage so many details—connect so many dots. There’s something that happens in between the dots and I space out. It’s as if there is no adhesive in some part of my brain. I may have talked about this before. It’s as if a magnetic something got stripped. It’s the strangest experience to lose data/information and float away. This non-linear brain needs support and I asked for it!

At the same time I was aware that our Drum circle had matured, expanded, with new, stronger bonds between us. So today I asked a woman in the circle, who’s an excellent organizer, if she would like to contribute more by supporting me. She jumped at the opportunity. As a result of her assistance with communicating details our drum circle become a superstar text machine with more fluidity and motion of emotion. It’s as if the brain hatched a new appendage in its chain of appendages. 

Another creative manifestation is that I’ll be offering Turtle’s Circle of Life twice next month. Timing! When it’s time it’s easy. It’s also the sensation of creating something out of nothing. Abracadabra! Gears! It’s about the gears! New motion of e-motion, for sure!! We’re creating new gears. That there is nothing new under the sun is so untrue.

Drum layout by Judit


Shifting gears today. Staying closer to home to recharge.

What a strange day yesterday. I felt my boundaries disrespected like those dogs crashing through the Drum Circle. I felt stepped on and thought about those people who do anything to climb their way to the top. Her action changes our relationship. I had thought of her as a soulmate. I now see how “soulmate” can be both sweet and toxic. Her action also pulled a plug as karmic’s sticky debris moved. New boundaries come into play. So thankful I know who I Am and need not get stuck in drama.

There appear to be people and places that are draining. I adjust boundaries. Some people want more than I can give. I adjust boundaries. Boundaries create and sustain balance.

Interesting how edges merge and don’t merge. Feels like another learning curve as I feel like a bubble in a square world—hitting walls. Gonna find where I merge. Well, I know where I merge. Seems it’s time to learn how to feed and sustain that merging. It’s “fine tuning” by letting go of some more things.

Sacred Space

I took my staff to the Drum Circle yesterday. It was a different circle because I was different.

When one woman kept chattering I spoke up: “This is Sacred Space.” When two dogs came crashing into the circle I spoke up: “This is Sacred Space.” Did the dog owners hear me? Did they know anything about Sacred Space? I will be tightening the boundaries in our drum circle space now. Because I am more grounded.

I observe egos of hurting people wanting to prove something in this realm. It’s amazing the reverse creativity built on the need for love. It’s twisted. I am careful about what I say. I have an influence that way.

I’ll be saying more about drawing lines around Sacred Space. I am taught as I go. A Quantum process.

My ex-husband went into ER again. There are boundaries in place as I sense I’ll visit and talk with him soon. 

Earth Prayer

Earth Prayers From Around the World 

by Ralph Metzner

(I reformatted the order. Instead of starting from North I start from East.)

O Great Spirit of the East,

Radiance of the rising Sun,

Spirit of new beginnings,

O Grandfather Fire, Great nuclear fire — of the Sun.

Power of life-energy, vital spark,

Power to see far, and to

Imagine with boldness.

Power to purify our senses,

Our hearts and our minds.

We pray that we may be aligned with you,

So that your powers may flow through us,

And be expressed by us,

For the good of this planet Earth,

And all living beings upon it.

O Great Spirit of the South,

Protector of the fruitful land,

And of all green and growing things,

The noble trees and grasses,

Grandmother Earth, Soul of Nature.

Great power of the receptive,

Of nurturance and endurance,

Power to grow and bring forth Flowers of the field,

Fruits of the garden.

We pray that we may be aligned with you,

So that your powers may flow through us,

And be expressed by us,

For the good of this planet Earth,

And all living beings upon it.

O Great Spirit of the West,

Spirit of the Great Waters,

Of rain, rivers, lakes and springs.

O Grandmother Ocean

Deep matrix, womb of all life.

Power to dissolve boundaries,

To release holdings,

Power to taste and to feel,

To cleanse and to heal,

Great blissful darkness of peace.

We pray that we may be aligned with you,

So that your powers may flow through us,

And be expressed by us,

For the good of this planet,

And all living beings upon it.

O Great Spirit of the North,

Invisible Spirit of the Air,

And of the fresh, cool winds,

O vast and boundless Grandfather Sky,

Your living breath animates all life.

Yours is the power of clarity and strength,

Power to hear the inner sounds,

To sweep out the old patterns,

And to bring change and challenge,

The ecstasy of movement and the dance.

We pray that we may be aligned with you,

So that your power may flow through us,

And be expressed by us,

For the good of this planet,

And all living beings upon it.

I could not have done this detailed brain work years ago. I have a New Brain ❣️❣️

Music and Dance

Drum wants to join GOLOV. This information comes in from the right. Stimulus.

Heartbeat of Gaia. Using hand on drum rather than drumstick is more quiet. Drumstick is useful for making amplified sound.

Noticed during GOLOV that I was looking left to reflect. Is this new or have I just now become conscious of it? What is it telling me? Reflection on left side of brain? Stimulation from the right side? Ascended Masters remind me they came in from the left when I first joined GOLOV. Yet so much comes in from the right. Ask and ye shall receive answers. My question: the difference between information and intuition? I learn it as I express it which is so Quantum!

A lot of 3-D activity during GOLOV. After the left/right awareness I consciously went to Center.

—- I —-

So glad I wrote this in my notes cuz I already forgot it in the steady flow of life that comes in from all directions! I will honor my favorite Four Directions from the book Earth Prayers today at Grounded Spirituality Drum Circle. I was reminded of it 💗 What brain direction do I thank for that? “Center”

 I dance to Joe’s music/words.

As I looked at the dogs and people who were receivers of GOLOV I had the sense other eyes were looking through their eyes. We are not alone! 

(+/-) sweet music and dance. Is one information, the other intuition/inspiration? I Am moved by 🎵 Hearing now that the unification of these two brain-heart-body aspects is Wisdom🌀

How to contain all this energy that moves and moves me? I don’t! It moves through me and all of Us as parts of one whole Quantum Field.

1 + 1 = 3

What was separate now fuses—joining forces and giving birth to another body—a central revolving core. 

Consciousness of Two as One is a revolving door going in and out as particle and wave. Quantum bliss. 

Not easy to leave this inner sanctum and write its contents through logic. It’s a different space and place.

The brain-body has new grounding/landing pads. Very generative, stimulating. XXX

Axes of movement

  • Frontal axis – this line runs from left to right through the centre of the body. …
  • Sagittal (also known as the antero-posterior) axis – this line runs from front to back through the centre of the body. …
  • Vertical axis – this line runs from top to bottom through the centre of the body.

This. An expanded Love relationship getting to know itself through consciousness of bodies.

Brain-Heart-Body consciousness experiences this emanating Serpent Energy at the Cosmic Core by working with it and being enlightened by it. 

Heaven/Earth Conduit

Yesterday on the massage table with Bonnie’s hands on my body and energy flowing I was in trance. The image came through of an E/W fire hose emitting soothing substance—music! Transfusion and trance-fusion. Such a loving exchange as conduits.

I sent this to Farmer Jane at First Light Farm this morning where we’ll offer drumming again on Sunday: 

“Interesting that the Grounded Spirituality Drum Circle joins a farming community. I see this as “The New Earth” within and all around us in friendship, family, community—from personal, local, global, to cosmic. Humans have a role to play in healing this sacred Earth within and all around.”

I appreciate this opportunity to speak these words with a farmer and farming community.