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Breathing Tube

Day #2 Wow! A lot of vision (Feminine) and information (Masculine). Vision inspires more information. Information inspires more vision. A co-creative (+/-) relationship within OneSelf.
1) A hollow “tube” appeared immediately. A breathing tube. I breathe through it as it breathes me. Also like an umbilical chord that I know with hands and eyes as if a surgeon working in a body. I’ve done this in past vision work.
2) Ears — listening via antenna and hearing via ears…and then processing, digesting.
3) Sexual tube, enlivening Life Force
4) Gaia, receives our energy and transfers
5) In room: Power of X in 360 rotation shakes this body’s head with new vigor
6) Rainbow Serpent has X pattern (red, orange, yellow in Nashville)
7) Andromeda above meets Rainbow Serpent at crossover point of X—above head
8) Ending with music and stillness…ahh…rest. No rest. Earthquake as ceiling caves in. Best thing to do during earthquake is to “tune in and align” as that/through that breathing tube. Thank you Lungs. Thank you New Earth Body.

Pineal Gland Meditation

Day 1. Wow! I’m so grateful for Source behind Pineal Gland’s Mystical experience. I have been blogging these experiences for years at
Today my hands touched the wheel of #1. It was upright and had handles that I pushed clockwise. #4 wheel was laying flat so my hands related to the handles from a different angle. I listen to Guides who tell me my hands are connected to Pineal energy or Source. #8 was a round ball with knobs smaller than the other handles. I wonder is this a cell, atom? I get it’s an “orb” of Matter.
Inside the room of Pineal I float in bouyant fluid—antigravity! I make note or become conscious that this inner fluid is the same fluid outside this capsule. I fly in this space craft and connect with my Arcturian guide, Andromeda.
Then I am holding one of the 6-week old twins I now care for as “nanny.” I pulled and pulled something from their ear. What is this about? I got the answer as I summarized here. I was pulling out old debris to make room for the new. These newborns represent the New Earth and New Human. When I hold them and look in their eyes I see ETs. It’s so obvious to me, due to the shape of our human skull, that we are related to extraterrestrials. Now I hear from my guides “extraterrestrial intelligence.” Our Nashville retreat was a “handle” that pushed us forward in evolution.

Diving In

A very clear dream at 2:30 am:  I take off shoes and socks and dive into a body of still water from a very high place. 

I stopped swimming and diving in grade school. Something happened in my psyche and my life that brought this to a halt.

Back to dream: I’m aware I’ve never dived like this before but I don’t hesitate. I do think about the motion and angles as I visualize the dive. I plunge in. My arc is rather flat but I’m in the water and swimming. Now I think about my location in that large body of water realizing I can’t swim across it so I decide to swim along the edge where the landscape is familiar and where I can land when I need to. Then the dream frame changes and I’m with a woman friend who is leaving a job…

The dive reminds me of my new voice. I notice I am talking more without any hesitation or filters. I’m saying whatever comes up and….through….there’s the dive! I do want to have some brakes….some *down shifting of action and *up shifting of awareness. This trust, this knowing, is so like that dream dive. I’m simply in motion.

I’m reminded of the eyes I dove through during Nashville meditation. I do know how to swim and dive in mystical waters. That has been and continues to be my focus. And I *teach this !!

Shadow Effect

Interesting that a spontaneous action is translated later—after the fact. As if it casts a “shadow” (here a word is the example) to be received, seen and transcribed. It reminds me of a micro-second I witnessed in meditation where I went into a “pleat” of time and space. ( I don’t have the logic yet around the difference between time-space and space-time because *they revolve and move as One.) That pleat has more to say but I don’t have the time now—I go to my new job soon!

In this lifetime I can’t yet let food be a spontaneous relationship. I have to *get in front of it. (* is my guidance speaking through me.) Food can entrap me and I need to work to be more conscious. Yes, it is a past life effect. Time to be in Cause and not effect. I threw out the sweets so I don’t indulge today!

I go the my new job helping a new mom with boy/girl twins. I get to hold, touch babies! It’s a perfect extension of that small pumping red heart in my mystical vision in Legend-ary Nashville.

My voice is split. I can make sound from upper throat (nasal) but no sound from lower throat (chest). Must be another new relationship *matrix in the New Earth/New Heart body.

VOTE — Infuse Love, Truth, Life into 3-D Systems

The following is a Facebook memory from November 1, 2018 that rings true today in 2022. Another rhythmic reminder that the past, present and future is Now:

As a Seer this energetic spiral is what I saw in my drumming meditation last Sunday, 9 am. For weeks I had been seeing spirals in relationship to planet Earth. This time the spiral enveloped me! I was inside the spiral and was reminded of a teaching from the Emissaries of Divine Light: an X represents the crossover point of Heaven and Earth. In my personal experience this spiral also represents Kundalini energy which I have mentioned on my blog

How does this spiraling energy apply to a larger universe? Is it associated with portals, teleportation, levitation, intuitive hits or downloads? Is it representative of a universal force?

Matter is receptive. Subtle energy is positive. When the two opposites fuse a charged spiraling circuitry is activated. Without this unified force our world is flat, void, dark and dying.

Raise both arms skyward in a V formation. Invite this spiraling energetic force into you, your life and in so doing into Planet Earth. This is “the force that unifies the parts of one whole” (channeled words in this moment). This is what democracy looks like: free flowing inclusion called Love.

Story Telling Chakra

I Am a storyteller. I tell my story as it moves in my life. I use my throat chakra and this must be why I am hoarse returning from Nashville. I have new vocal chords!

I had a taste of cooperation and coordination with a 3-D male in Nashville. It was a rhythmic breathing together. Not as One enmeshed, entangled blob but Two as One. It was so fun—like Heart beats!

This co-creative relationship has evolved and because I want more of this experience I will stay engaged in the connection. And even though his world feels tightly packed and set (comfortable?) I did find some wiggle room in 3-D. 

It’s so interesting that I felt larger than that ballroom of 1000+ people. Have I outgrown the space? Doesn’t that mean I should be moving on to find another space? Yes, like a plant ready for transplanting. 

My story is an open book with open chapters, open pages. An open space. Anything is possible. I have emotional ties. These can be loosened or tightened. Ah-ha the roots! Something larger than my 3-D self guides me in growth. Where are my external nutrients, my habitat? Where’s the sun, water, air, soil that enhances my development and blossoming?

My Nashville roommate and I ran into our neighbor Mike the last night in Nashville. I wanted to invite him to have drinks/food with us and was very clear about knocking on his door (clear because I was guided from within). What an amazing man! He taught me some things simply by expressing his Truth—by being himself. I kept seeing him in a past life with castle and enmeshed family drama and I saw him as a knight —which I did mention to him. This morning as I write I have more impressions: as a knight he also wore dark clothing, was on horse (he had gone out earlier that night to the horse pasture where we had our walking meditation) and the hole in his current jeans is where the armor of a knight is open to allow the knee to bend. And in this lifetime he has a knee injury and scar. So, does this seeing into past lives have something to do with being larger than that ballroom? 

I’m an open book with delightful characters in a well rounded universe! I follow inner and outer pathways of Light-Brain-Heart-Body of Enlightened Lineage.

I’l be doing Light Meditations that move North to South and East to West (around) introducing my Cosmic and Earthy Guides. I’m now hearing to include this with my Circle of Life classes. Yes, children can do this. Such helpful information—thank you💜

Nashville Sunday

Information is received and released on waves that are comprised of circles. Circulation is up, around and down or down, around and up. This motion of energy in motion creates balance and sustains balance. Sacred space is sacred geometry. All orbs of matter are round energetically.


  1. the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.
    • the shape and relative arrangement of the parts of something.

Four Way Team Work

Kaleidoscope Meditation

Intense images for eyes to digest. They kept pounding my Third Eye. At one point (faster than light) something scrambled in my brain and a line moved across the screen. Were these pineal crystals colliding? I wasn’t able to stay with it like I do in Third Eye seeing. I closed my eyes. The meditation was a continuum of intensity. My body was shaky in this new territory and leaving it.

Coherence Healing

Standing outside the room of our Coherence Healing waiting for doors to open I saw the room filled with a large blue spiral with Arcturian Andromeda present. It was horizontal in shape with no height. Sitting in the room a second spiral was present green in color and Rainbow Serpent accompanied it. The two circulated with blue going one way and green the other.  It was challenging for my brain to separate the colors enough to see which was which. The two then separated with one above the other and “threads” connecting through the middle. At the end of the healing I checked in to see what the spirals were up to. Above the top “pocket” of the spiral was that small fleshy beating red Heart. That little gem is getting around! I thought my imagination was over the top on this one—and it was! Which reminds me that the tiny heart was dispersed yesterday to a crowd of people probably those in the room but I don’t remember. I need time to note these details. I think I mentioned yesterday that the Heart was placed in the center of Gaia. A lot to process in this creative process but my part is easy. I simply watch, listen and report. A Light News Reporter! Logic puts the pieces together and tells the story. A Light Story Teller. Now that’s team work! What a creative day!

This is a most profound revelation. We have Arcturian in North working with Rainbow Serpent in South and Intuitive Heart on one side working with Logical Brain on the other side creating One Whole Circle! What a Team!