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Alternating Current & Easter

4:00 am  Morning meditation—in silence. Receiving rays downloading from head and cosmos above. Receiving rays uploading from feet and Earth below. An alternating current. Thoughts alternate always going back to central core of silent receptivity. Original intention.

Will morning meditation be the same silence tomorrow? I get to discover and this is exactly my love for the unknown. (Never a “been there, done that.”) Listening to Spirit, learning from Spirit, guided by Spirit is my inspiration..

Thoughts go to yoga stretches and rebounder. I take meditation with me—in silence. No music or YouTube this morning.

Thoughts go to kitchen and food. Not hungry. Do I fast today until dinner? Fasting provides silence. (Just thought about Easter and how food is associated. I’ll research.)

Currents moving through a silent field is living/breathing meditation.

Google:  “Electric current flows in two ways as an alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). The main difference between AC and DC lies in the direction in which the electrons flow. In DC, the electrons flow steadily in a single direction, while electrons keep switching directions, going forward and then backwards in AC.”


A friend and I talked about politics yesterday. Her sources of information are opposite of mine. In spite of our differences we had a peaceful conversation. 

With so much fake news what is Truth we asked and I began to consider letting go of my interest in politics. My body has not agreed to that as it speaks by leaning in a specific direction toward certain people and news. I’m now seeing this leaning attraction as Sound. My body resonates with Sound and informs me and inspires me through action.

Sound of Creation

Watched four series of Sound of Creation, Consciousness of Sound with friends. 

Heart and Brain have an orbital pattern that is Sound generated. When one gets too far out in expansion the other pulls it back in. And when one gets too close in contraction the other pushes off. It’s a Sound relationship that is Spirit driven—orchestrated. 

Does change in 3D reflect change of Sound Frequency? Yes !!

Flying Dream

4:40 am

Body wants to sleep but I just had a flying dream!  I was at an event returning to the building but I didn’t want to take the same route back. I saw a wall across the way so I went alone in that direction and soon realized I was lost. The building was very large. I attempted to find my way and remembered in the dream that the staircase I was climbing was familiar. I’d been there before. I thought if I went outside I could take the road back around the whole building. I went outside and turned left and downhill. The road became a trail and I realized it would not get me to my destination. Something shifted inside causing panic but I knew what to do! Fly out of there! Up I went. I felt the ascending sensations. Then I reached a zone of clear ice that started to be engraved with art and lettering. The last image I remember was circles on top of circles. It was a beautiful display.   

One drama while trying to find my way inside the building was that one of my friends bumped into me and hurriedly kept going. She didn’t want to be late and didn’t even see me. I observed that with curiosity. What kind of friend is that?

Looks like I get to Quantum by using my wings !! Is Quantum an ice Castle? 

Ice looks like crystal !!

Magnetic Pilings

AhHa!  Thanks to the Supernatural Book Club I now see why I’m no longer enthused about attending events that I used to be passionate about. My passion has expanded!

I’ve expanded. I’m now enthused about engaging and interacting with people as we line up in higher Love, Truth and Life. 

The Dr Joe focus continues as that guideline (seeing a magnet with pilings) as I expand through outreach. 

I’m definitely being pulled by a larger Force🌀

Gyroscope (3/1/2017)

How are you doing? Are you staying upright or tilting off balance? Can you feel the difference? I am catching myself when I want to overeat, when I want to eat but am not hungry and when I want to reach for sweets. I am no longer so resistant! It’s as if my nerves and muscles are cooperating!
The tilting feels like a gyroscope. I wrote about this in my book S/He Dragon ~ How I Found My Wings.

There are times I feel that I am coming apart at the seams as my North/South axis tilts to an extreme degree. This outward spin takes me off balance, and, when I notice, consciously comes back in like an intense fiery current. Is this gyroscopic dance natural? Will it ever balance and stay in harmony? Or is chaos part of a harmonics spectrum that offers information?

Spirit Wind

How can I leave groups and people I’ve been wrapped around, active with? It’s Spirit at my back, guiding and pushing me. It’s that wispy current I’ve felt running down my neck and back that’s different from core threads. A nerve? A meridian? I am leaned into it. Pressed into past, present and future. Akashic. It’s a new feeling of salvation and staying afloat.

At a SUFON event Sunday for two hours. I was amazed at how present I was with the those presenting (friends from my SUFON days). Meaning I was present within myself! I was attentive and interested in their stories though different from my own. Must be Agape Love. 

Driving home Sunday I noticed the top of my head (crown) was sore and swollen—again. It’s a ring around a crater. What is causing this? Solar flares? Full moon? SUFON energies? I’m starting to track this phenomenon on a calendar to “Know Thyself.” It’s still swollen and sore in spots.

Dropping/releasing the Boulder is proving to be a real thing. I Am changed and changing as is my environment.

I’m following the political scene. Why? Because I’m projecting Love toward people and places. I’m pulling energetically for Truth and Justice. It’s where my heart takes me via that wind of Spirit.

New Blood

My right hand reached out
In sweet connection
Another hand pulled it back 
“This is not the time for that”
What is this circuitry?
Is it One motion of emotion 
With check points?

Boulder grip gone!
Leaving a crevice 
Of different wobble
Hitting low blood sugar wall
And dizzying sensation
Over 1.5 days / 36 hours 
Now, I ground in a new body
With blood transformation in process 
An upgrade of chemistry

Unconscious becomes conscious
Conscious becomes unconscious
Superconscious supervising 
As OverSoul

Nature vs “progress”
A good jolt will wake humans up
In a collective Boulder release
With a collective crevice
To be filled in 
With new blood

She’s a sister I never had
Easy to be with
Who wants to spend time
Walking Wayne Park
Dinner homemade
Action-packed Marvel movie
Howling at the full Moon
In front of City Hall
And happy yellow daffodils

Filter and Osmosis

Boulder presence
Like gravity
Holding me down
Good to know

It’s easier to communicate
Via writing
Than speaking 
A filter comes to the rescue

A filter void of boulder
Is alignment
Without resistance
Pointed and pure

Love expressed to me 
In words by Anjali and Roxy 
Rippled at my core
Shaking boulder lose
From its haunts

Love filtering out 
Love filtering in 
Is a porous Love affair
E-motion in expression
Changing matter

Tumbling effects
Alchemical polishing
What remains
Is being revealed

How does reverse osmosis work?


  1. 1. BIOLOGY•CHEMISTRYa process by which molecules of a solventtend to pass through a semipermeablemembrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.
  2. 2. the process of gradual or unconsciousassimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.”what she knows of the blue-blood set she learned not through birthright, not even through wealth, but through osmosis”