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Cerebral Flow

“Signs of Life on a dead planet” are signals received as in the flow of Cerebral Spinal Fluid. Does this mean Earth Mother is being inflated through the intervention of conscious hearts and minds? Does this mean Her Life is lifted due to the increase of Spiritual substance through Angel-Humans? One can focus on the signs of life or the dead planet. I choose Life of Flow. 

Seems to me the Pituitary gland has a direct role in the generation of this CSF flow. Little is known about this other than leaks. Why? Because humans have been the walking dead without plugging in to Spirit or Life Force which is a rounding force filling out with equilibrium.

Brake !!

ah-ha! Tire pressure issue and I now the brakes as I see why he kept putting on the brakes! Good to be less emotional and more logical. The body is much wiser now. It’s a new bike on new terrain. No longer trying to ride tandem with missing parts.

Bike Tires

How to Choose Bike Tires (

Relationships are like bike tires. In order to work they need to match so their pressure can be utilized in forward motion. 

Contemplating bike tires this morning I was given a new bike! Shiny and red! 

I’m noticing new relationships in my orbit. Shiny and red! New Earth red ❣️ It’s a new model.

Coil Up !!

I wrote this for my Coherence Healing community.

I woke up with a download of information regarding “coil” — an image I kept seeing during Coherence Healing last night. They were white with depth and height not flat like this spiral 🌀.

Coil has to do with “bounce in our step.” Joy! How much joy do we carry in our step? Is there a healthy spectrum for joy? 

Internal pressure (energy) releases its flow through us and into our environment. Too much flow can feel out of balance. Too little flow feels lifeless. How does one regulate healthy flow? How does one express Joy that creates harmony within oneself, others and Gaia? I include Gaia because She is a significant relationship in our lives. Beings of Light  love Gaia and protect Her with their presence in our lives. Conscious humans, have a significant role to play on Earth and in the Cosmos.

Andromeda, my Blue Being of Light , kicked up her heels during Coherence Healing and expressed her joy. She is starting to communicate in new ways. She is coiling white Light our way. Thank you 🤍💜💙💚💛🧡♥️🖤

Chakras coil as one pulsating spectrum of communion, communication and community of Light. This is the joy that we feel in our Coherence Healing sessions. Spread colors of joy. Let them oscillate making sound waves. Light Being sound waves. Yes, I Am. Yes, we are! Yes, we do!

I was invited by Spirit to rattle at the river yesterday. I did so and rattled up Serpents—coiling upward.

coil, in an electric circuit, one or more turns, usually roughly circular or cylindrical, of current-carrying wire designed to produce a magnetic field or to provide electrical resistance or inductance; in the latter case, a coil is also called a choke coil (see also inductance). A soft iron core placed within a coil produces an electromagnet. A cylindrical coil that moves a plunger within it by variations in the current through the coil is known as a solenoid (q.v.).


Earlier today I responded with “Appreciating your feedback…Curious how you see and think.” They were feelings from the Inside Out. Different than emotions. Less static, less attachments. 

Driving South on I-5  I considered these comments and it dawned on me that they’re from Light Beings, and that I, in turn, bounce them to others / off others. This looping is circuit board plug-ins. A rippling effect.

Spent the day with two SUFON (Seattle UFO Network) gal pals. One had a dream this morning about a craft that looked like a circuit board! I’ll ask her to draw it.

Another creative cycle ending and beginning. Another void to be filled in and revealed moment by moment as Spiritual Source moves through matter.

It’s A Match

Dr Joe’s Syntropy lecture from 2019 matches my Circuit Board experiences now in 2023. I’ve been feeling that my work is done This match confirms the feeling.  What is “done?” One aspect is that the emotional heart is now a Spiritual heart. It’s the thoughts that hold static so heart is assisting with the rewiring of circuits.

From Rachna 💜

The Sirius Gateway – Isis

“For the next two and a half days, the star seen by the ancient Egyptians as the soul of Isis is live-streaming her star codes through the light that keeps you alive. That star is Sirius, the brightest in the night skies, and this morning she made an exact conjunction with our Sun. We live in times that Isis remembers — metamorphosis and profound transformation. It’s neither fantasy nor coincidence that her transformative medicine is alive in our world and your life, dear star peeps.

Whatever else you do over the next two days, stand under the open sky with an open heart and let the light of two stars enter you. A goddess of transformation and regeneration, Isis’ magic is deep and intense, forged in an epic saga of loss, reunion, and co-creative love across the dimensions. Her lifetime on Earth took her far from a royal existence in a palace to the fringes of society — and transformed society as violent and destructive as our own into one of the greatest wisdom cultures in our planet’s history.

In this year of 2023 — which began as it will end, with a full moon in Cancer, the sign of the Creatrix and home to Isis’ star — the asteroids Isis and Persephone, another Mediterranean goddess of transformation, have been tightly conjunct every single day. To fully comprehend this, you must remember that the asteroids are far older than the planets. They carry primordial creation energy — into these times, into our world, and your life. That’s what’s landing in your field today, tomorrow, and the day after that — pure cosmic creation energy…Message by Star Sister Astrology

“Seeing a beautiful crystalline energy flowing across the world, from one awakened person to another, encompassing the lands and everyone in it. Every time our hearts are focused on unconditional love and harmony, gentle energy flows from these grids into the hearts of all. We are all in different stages of our ascension, so it may not immediately become apparent. Still, the greater our expansion is, it will reach the darkest depths of humanity. Keep on focusing on all the good. That beautiful, incredible future that reaches us even now where peace, harmony, and love prevail on Earth . I see you and love you dearly ©️Mégane Claire

Blue Healing Surge

Connecting the dots I’m concluding logically that the light blue “essence” or W/Holy Spirit I speak of in my previous blog helps to cool the interior of the planet and keep it in equilibrium. That’s how much Blue Light Beings love this orb called Earth. And this is how we can work together as a Circuit Board. Loving intelligence flows.

I talked to Cathy today. The sensation to connect rose up so I acted spontaneously. We had a heart to heart chat (I apologized) after years of dysfunction due to our differences of my flow and her structure. My heart felt good in my chest doing this.

Reminding me that new friend Mehrshad experiences two hearts beating and interacting. I also experienced this in the past. I think it’s associated with lungs. Another chakra. Connected to Wing Chakra. Enter Blue Light Beings. Angel-Humans 🤍💜💙💚💛🧡♥️🖤

Is this the “surge” I was asking for?


Energetic contact = arousal. Today it felt like my body was turned inside out. I’ve not felt that sensation before. The only thing I could compare it to was Snake shedding its skin. And … Earth layers activating through volcanic eruption. 

From Core to Crust: Defining Earth’s Layers

What happens on Earth’s surface is directly related to its interior. About 4.6 billion years ago, Earth formed from a hot cloud of dust orbiting a blazing sun. As the planet cooled, dense elements became concentrated in the core of the planet, while lighter elements formed the mantle. A thin, rigid crust formed at the surface. A constant heating and cooling cycle in the mantle drives plate movement on Earth’s surface. Heat working its way out from the core of the planet fractured the crust into irregular tectonic plates that are constantly in motion.

  • Inner Core: The innermost part of Earth is the core and is about 1500 miles (2414 km) thick. Both the inner and outer cores consist primarily of iron and nickel. They’re extremely hot, with temperatures ranging from 7200–9000℉ (4000–5000℃). The inner core is under intense pressure, which keeps it solid despite high temperatures.
  • Outer Core: The outer core, which is liquid, is about 1300 miles (2092 km) thick. Both the inner and outer cores consist primarily of iron and nickel and are extremely hot with temperatures ranging from 7200–9000℉ (4000–5000℃).
  • Mantle: Most of Earth’s volume is in the mantle. This layer is about 1800 miles (2880 km) thick. It’s composed of dark, dense rock, similar to oceanic basalt. The deeper you go inside the Earth, the hotter it gets. Mantle material near the cold outer crust is about 1300℉ (700℃) while rock near the Earth’s core heats up to about 7200℉ (4000℃).
  • Crust: Two types of crust make up Earth’s outermost layer: continental and oceanic. Continental crust is composed of silica-rich rocks and is an average of 44 miles (70 km) thick. Ocean crust is made of dark, silica-poor rocks like basalt. It is thinner and more flexible than the continents, only about 3 miles (5 km) thick.

Blue and Orange

Attraction led me and landed me on The Powerful Alchemist Meditation this morning.

“The love you have for a new life. Drawing it to you. With your heart. And receive…”

Blue haze going out over this town with Alchemy meditation—sending the signal out. Light blue as dark cobalt blue is filtered in/with White Light. 

Cool music.

Processing words/actions out of alignment recently. How to correct them with two people. Still in question.

Response is sending light blue signal out. I ask about it (zoom in) and see it going two directions at the top and joining in the South. Around cell, self and planet—all orbs. Toroidal.

“It’s your connection to a new life.”

Blue communication. A systemic pathway in process of purification.  

“…energy in your heart and your brain.” 

“Aware of nothing but your connection to the energy that changes your life.”

Blue merged with (looping not meshing) orange. As if each color is interdependent—with empty space.

The Sacral Chakra is the 2nd chakra located in the lower abdomen and pelvic area and its color is ORANGE. This chakra governs the experience for our lives through feelings and sensations. It’s the center of emotion, pleasure, enjoyment, sensuality, intimacy, and connection.

Food related…Eat oranges, mangoes…

Considering the orange connection in both situations with Parker and Cathy. Solution for now is to let it go and talk about it with them later when life brings it around. Trusting the creative process and knowing I learned more about my self/Self. Constant alignment is attunement.

I Love My Life song just sprang forth — bloomed — in thought and vision! And that’s the point!!