Dragon Eye

Intentional Re-Set

No negative feelings came to do battle before work. Two people did come to mind with the usual negative thought (one was myself). I dissipated it: “begone!” Seems intention sets a net for success. Why has it taken me so long to change negativity when I’ve been spiritually aware? I think because I haven’t been grounded in body. It’s one thing to float multidimensionally. It’s another to be in body and change matter. My gut benefited from this turn around. I heard and responded by not eating a heavy breakfast. Seems there’s more room to hear.

Work: I set positive intention Now. 

Inner Male Steps Forward

Less feeling (not intuitive sensing/knowing) and more thinking means a new relationship with my inner male and thus my Wing Chakra has new orientation—and lift!

I meet feelings with logic to turn them around—from negative to positive. 

I meet thoughts with positive feeling to generate harmony.

I meet body with positive feeling and thought to increase intuitive knowing.

I restring this musical instrument. 

A new learning curve.

What Was That?

What was that? It didn’t feel good. I felt vulnerable, exposed, unsafe. Then I realized he was expressing his feelings or in this case his non-feelings. Feelings that I hurt. Was that a “get even” ploy? One hurt deserves another? I don’t think he’d do that.

How to turn it around right? I did erase the words. I did learn more about him and myself. Odd, to be in a relationship with grounded feelings. Odd because it’s a new level.

Living Now means that I forget emotions a week later. I’m on to and into the next Now. It’s like a black hole when I have no contact with one I love. With no signals coming in there is a void. And yet isn’t the need for constant contact co-dependent? Much to learn…

Fascia Embrace

After Walking Meditation I asked a friend if she ever thought about walking with her inner male during WM (she likes to walk arm in arm with her guy). I went on to identify left brain/right brain. Left arm/right arm. Left leg/right leg. Walking in balance. She immediately thought about fascia:

What is fascia? Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. The tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin. Why does this remind me of Cerebral Spinal Fluid?

Emotional Dial

I seem to have a round dial of emotions. Turned one direction and I’m very human with emotional attachment. Turned the other direction I’m above it all with spiritual detachment. That’s what I’m observing Now. Is there a middle ground to this emotional chemistry?

Free Falling

Dream: Challenges of finding my way back to an event. Some snippets: I’m on top of a cliff w rocks at the ground below and a jagged section sticking out along the vertical drop. People are jumping off. A young boy is in front of me and wants me to hold him. I don’t respond wanting to do the fall alone. I’m not afraid. I’m aware of the rocks. I don’t think. I jump. I move through empty space and land quietly, effortlessly. Then I’m missing my phone and have to back track to three locations to find it. A woman in a car with kids immediately stops to give me a ride. I get to hold her baby! Sooo many dreams about babies! Phone nowhere. Dream stress woke me up — relieved it was a dream.

Orientation as Feeling

I stand on a plane with line \ but not as steep. It’s round. Not sure where to research this. I follow my “nose”with new sense of direction. Forgetting details is like brain fog. It keeps me Now and Now—an orientation. I trust learning / knowing from within. My mystical life is built on this foundation. (Plane as disc.)

In plane geometry, the two-dimensional shapes are flat shapes and closed figures such as circles, squares, rectangles, rhombus, etc. In solid geometry, the three-dimensional shapes are cube, cuboid, cone, sphere and cylinder. We can observe all these shapes in our daily existence also.

Generating Flow

Evolving Hearts Meditation.
Lovely kaleidoscopes and engaging music.

To change old patterns in this right-brain-oriented body I attune to a song, a frequency. Words and techniques don’t stick, resonate. For us it’s a state of Grace, a feeling, a song that gets our attention if we choose to listen and hear. It’s the whole not the dissected parts.

Feelings change again and again.  Thought is not behind the feelings or changes. Right-brain orientation is not attuned to thought. Rather it’s an orientation in my field. Yes! Like reading braille! It’s a knowing. My field changes my feelings. Feels like a quickening with nothing to hold on to but the Song of Now. 

Now is my best companion. My sidekick. We journey together. I, the receiver. Now, the one who signals.

Feelings Propel

Expressing deep, honest feelings keeps me transparent and moving forward in a clear way.  This communication causes ripples in the field and other orbs respond or not to the signals.

I’m aware that I have a choice with every word and action. 

Communication brought new signals my way. I feel connected again. I feel back on track. Heart aligned. 

It’s a new field of relationship(s) as Love rises and expands. Communication is the only way to get through to the next Now.

Holy, Wholly Now

His words “I have plans for you” rang in my ears. I begin to see what that means and it feels manipulative—I feel used. Why? It feels business oriented. That’s an Eye Opener! I stay tuned.

I watch orbs of relationship in my field. Radiation, Attraction, Response is the circuit board of connection—orbital. Attunement.

Individual orbs respond to Inner Sun. Collective orbs respond to Central Sun. Central Sun responds to Cosmic Sun. Harmony in Spirit and in Flesh. Attuned.

Holy, Wholly, Holy. 🌀