Dragon Eye

A New Car ~ Now

Feedback from my community is in play. Giving and receiving loops. A friend told me to get a new car ASAP after he checked out the brake noise. Yes, my car is old and worn out. We’ve been through a lot together. Blue Ray Dragon I named her 15 years ago and it’s been a gratitudinal relationship. Soon I take everything out of her trunk: kites, garden tools, kids puzzles and games, bubble supplies, cloth shopping bags, blanket—and why I want a sedan with a trunk! Soon I buy a car the easy and expensive way by walking into a local dealership. But this time I’m taking my friend with me. Male and female strategy.

A new car is symbolic of my new life 💜♥️

My Truth

5:00 am meditation. Changing Beliefs and Perceptions

“God” — where is Goddess? I get triggered by this omission. Why? Because I Love Her, follow Her, worship Her. She is part of me. Triggers are indicator signals calling forth words/actions. God/Goddess feedback loop = creative energy in motion—Creation.

This is a continual Now experience that I never forget 

Lower voice tone is soothing, grounding

Thought/Feeling = feedback loop

Dark Abuse

Last night I went to bed extra early. As I was falling asleep I saw the presence of a man dressed in black. He was “ominous” (I don’t know that word but it came up and through). A second thing happened that felt like a chaotic vortex. Then the third thing was his telepathic sexual advances. By this time I realized it was tracker/ hacker Jon Young who’s been abusing me (I’m not the only woman) telepathically for many years. I’ve been told that I create this and can cancel him out. What’s real for me is exposing him in the same way so many predatory males are being exposed on the planet.

This is why telepathic territory can be tricky. And why I’m enjoying / appreciating 3-D relationships.

Scalar Relationship

Meditating in silence. Listening. Watching. Scanning.

I hear: “Relationships hold tension.”

“In physics, tension is described as the pulling force transmitted axially by the means of a string, a rope, chain, or similar object, or by each end of a rod, truss member, or similar three-dimensional object; tension might also be described as the action-reaction pair of forces acting at each end of said elements.” — Wikipedia l

This causes me to see an orbital system with a center and orbs rotating around it as if they are held by a string. A heart string? In my system, yes! so creative potential in space can manifest creatively in this Earth body and on this Earth planet. 

S/He is held in tension relationships within the Solar System. Relationships hold tension!  I love these homework assignments making me a forever student of the cosmos or universe. What’s the difference? My left brain/male creates tension of curiosity (wanting/needing to know) and puts me to work—engaging body. 

“Cosmos” is a whole harmonious and orderly system that is governed by natural law while “universe” is everything that exists including time and space, matter, and the laws that govern them.”  — quora.com

Do Scalar Waves come into play here? 

The Science of Scalar Energy

Scalar energy is formed when two identical frequencies from opposite directions come together and collide. This results in canceling out of any free movements and the creation of a stationary and static energy field. Additionally, it contains circles of energy that radiate outwards in balanced networks, which help in creating a field of live energy systems. — enhancestudio.com

Heart of Honesty

It’s my hearing that’s changed! What chakra is this? Blue! throat chakra connected to ears!

Inner Mission honesty was crystalline clear. Honesty is purity and purity is Spirit flowing into and through matter.

Honesty is at the heart of Joe’s teachings. This is changing lives of people and planet—matter. I’m happy to be hearing it and feeling it rearrange particles ⚡️⚡️

Unconscious Voice of Spirit

Thankful for rest stops along the freeway that carry the scent of Fir Tree and provide picnic tables. I want to write before I lose the information in this flowing River of Life.

Listening to Inner Mission on this drive home and thinking it might be seeping into my 12-year old granddaughter’s subconscious mind. I am amazed at how clear Joe’s teaching is. I know I’ve heard this talk before but Now I hear it within a new circuit board. It’s crystalline in clarity carrying thoughtful emotion. The delivery is emotional. I love hearing and feeling that heart beat.

The last sentence in my previous post was unconscious—directly from Spirit. It was a feeling passing through. It had new information within it showing me the shape of change that I’ve been feeling/knowing.

I plug in. I am plugged in as relationships reveal themselves as Wave and Particle.


Winds of Spirit are ever changing me and my surroundings. I stay in its flow.

I used to feel pulled toward the mountains and forests but now I feel them within me. So I am no longer pulled. The ocean has never had the same pull. It’s always felt vast and lonely. And yet I love this opportunity to fly kites in its winds.

Fiery Flow

My Fire / Passion is new. Spread out in many directions. I love the feedback loops — both particle (senses) and waves (spirit).

Previous passion feels more mechanical and less emotional. Why? Maybe it has to do with the walls I hit due to my emotional expression. Maybe emotional fire moves more easily through differentiating lines around the surface than at the core. I’m learning as I flow.