Dragon Eye

Technology & Nature

5:00 am meditation

Center of the Magnet

With JD

“Become more of it”

Become more Nature and less technology is a personal message moving through. Do I go on vacation? Or does Gaia get a solar blast and lose the man made power grid or…. ?

In East of new creative cycle I listen and watch the signs/signals coming in.

“Sense it” is less tech and more Nature

“Feel it” is less tech and more Nature.

“Experience it” as less technical and more natural.

“Surrender to it”

“Become it”

Natural world is the “Mystery”

“Become the initiate” of the Natural world, the Creative Cycle

“Aware of the Greater Awareness all around us”

“Become aware of It… of you”

“A higher Love”

Body as a computer or as Nature, the Natural World?

“The Living Matrix…Patterns of Order”

“With instruction and information…Atoms, molecules…”

“With a consciousness from the Field”

“Information exists in the Field” “Patterns and systems” “Harmony…order” “Integration of systems of order” The Body, the Temple, community…”

Patterns of Nature the Natural World “being projected thru/by (?) Source”

“Patterns of body…condensed by gravity”

Love this info inspiration 💜 …info as Tech, inspiration as Nature. Rays of Light radiating through Matter.

New Waters Rush In

Waves of new water rush in void of the sadness and dark memories of inner child. These waves are aligned in Oversoul, with Oversoul substance. The Creative Process with its dark mud never ceases to amaze me. I am so very grateful as relationship gets a “pat on the back” for work well done. 💜💜

Voices of the Natural World & Oversoul

This afternoon I started to weed the side yard and was thinking about the twists and turns of relationship when frog appeared.

Just as one person has a spectrum of light/dark emotional content so does a relationship. “How to maneuver through the highs and lows,” I asked. “Through the hot, warm, cool and cold?” “Oversoul” was the response. 

So just as one person has an Oversoul so does relationship. Now I’m getting that Gaia has an Oversoul. All relationships are to align with Oversoul. How is this accomplished? One step at a time.

The waters can get murky quickly. In the same way they can get clear. Water is chemistry! How to clear the muck through an enlightened pituitary gland? The Lotus flower steps into consciousness. With Roots in the mud Lotus stays pure. 

Thank you Frog who joined me this afternoon under the sun.

The frog totem, symbolic of cleansing

It is said that the frog is symbolic of the cleansing. You can call on the frog spirit to support you in clearing negativity and “toxic” energies. The frog being associated with water, it may be a good spirit animal to call for emotional release.

Perhaps it indicates you need to “detoxify and take care of your health differently. Or it encourages you to release your emotions or carefully at how you spend your energy in relationship to others or some matters of concern in your life. spiritanimal.info

Information comes in with the chemical waters. Waters of Truth. It’s unsettling to be out of harmony within oneself and in a relationship. The body is our best communicator informing us when something is off center. Oversoul holds center.

Conscious relationships engage in alchemical work. It’s a deep commitment that repeats itself over and over again. What’s the focus? What’s the Truth? Here we change again! How potent! How omnipotent!

Earth Intervention

Cutting vegetables for a lunch salad—just before Dr Joe’s talk about our Walk for the World tomorrow—that dark emotional energy seeped in and took me under. I identified more of it this time and went back to times as a child when this feeling gripped me as I hid in the bathroom beating fists against the wall. It moves me emotionally now. So much emotion around this. Where did this and where does this come from? I was an innocent child! And I remember mom hiding in the bathroom with deep depression. I guess it leaked out and over me (and my siblings?).

Dr Joe speaks of an Earth Intervention. I’m going through mine. It’s personal and collective in us humans and global in Earth. Matter is feeling a new frequency of Love and the old is passing away.

What to do with the less peaceful energies? Feel them. Get to their roots embracing them. Encircle matter with New Earth Love. I’m sure I’ll be blogging about it soon!

It’s a gift for this subconscious debris to come to the surface of consciousness. It’s exactly when, where and how emotional and physical Change happens.

Healing Happens

Can I go back to my days of solitude— in my dragon cave? Nope! Those days of isolation are gone and I get to learn how to maneuver in this human life.

Some recent collisions brought out my “I’m sorry” story and how this started early in life because I’m different. I hear NOW that each one is “different” and see our angles. A mystic I Am —learning to love my human self.

I’m remembering driving home from work yesterday and feeling a rush of energy that said—matter cannot contain the Love that moves. It made me very sad emotionally then as it does now. And—I get to prove that is not the Truth.

Hand in hand with negativity is positive experience. My toddlers and I love each other 32 hours a week ♥️ and I’m healing lower back and knee in the moment when my body sometimes gets stressed with constantly picking them up and getting on the floor with them. My nanny work is a workout. No gym needed!

This healing has a definite circuitry. I notice body discomfort in lower back muscle and knee cartilage (guessing as I never did get the X-ray) from my brain and then I embrace those parts by focusing my attention and intention on them. The release of stress is immediate. Oh, it’s chemical! What is this chemistry of intention? For emotional stress a good night’s sleep works well. 

Time to meditate NOW

Bring It On

Fun to listen within and then hear a response. This morning I asked, “What is the  countdown message today for Rock the World?” Response: “Colors.”  I ask about tomorrow’s countdown message and it’s a blank.  

Usual morning meditation wasn’t there on one page and 41 minutes earlier than the said time on another page—or is it platform? For one who likes order and a bit of perfection something is feeling tilted. And yet my higher coordinate keeps me stable. Seems to be Observer / OverSoul.  We talked about this after WM. Who is the Observer? We also talked about ego as horizontal and Source as vertical. Ah, those coordinates shining through the cracks—the cells!

David is like my book editor who wanted more specific information. How do I wrap logical instruction around mystical experience? Yesterday words came through that I’d have to teach about the Wing Chakra and the Angel Human. I heard, “Bring it on.” It looks like that is happening Now 💜

Coherent Conversation

Past and Present Presence

A mythic being showed up in Walking Meditation. Two of them yet one. Like S/He. I’m not finding their image in Greek mythology. Im sure I’ve seen them on Ancient Aliens. They gave the impression of past being present Now. Like my Toga friend.

I had monkey mind during meditation — all over the place. And yet higher frequency came through the noise. As if Love can cut through anything via Laser-like Diamond. Exactly what’s on top of obelisks serving as standing stones for an energetic grid system.

Rainbow’s Pot of Gold

Evolving Hearts meditation, Joe Dispenza

“Relax into your heart”

In a Golden maze bubble to bubble — as mentioned at Ancient Aliens Live last night

An electromagnetic grid to activate order on Earth — higher frequency

“Feel your connection to it in your heart” Why Gold of Solar Plexus? Sun substance 

Connector of Heaven and Earth

White Light / Golden Light

Another Golden maze experience driving to Moore Theatre and home again. I’ve never had such a smooth experience. Positive Intention wins! It was like floating in a bubbles of connectors.

Talk of space craft in a bubble. Bubble of substance surrounds matter. It used to be White Light via visualization. Now it’s Golden Light!of activation. A new angle. New coordinate. New. Life in Earth, on Earth. 

“3, Feel your connection to it 3. Balance your energy with this feeling in your heart”

Ley lines, Dragon lines — Golden. White in Spirit. Gold in Earth. Brain / Gut connection generated. Golden Dragon re-turning as New!

“5, Give it your energy with the Love in your heart 5, feel it. That’s energy, 5. Feel your connection to it, 5”

This Golden maze has orderly lines of connection

“5, Blessed Heart”

“6, feel your connection to it. Balance your energy, 6. Same energy in the Heart, 6”

“7” Gold in Earth radiates connection of Cosmic parts

“Awake in 7. Feel it” As you relax into your heart. 

“8, sense it, notice it, give it your energy” Lots of space in these meditative words — to listen outside of logic. Sensing as knowing. Connection through listening. Hearing is Golden?

Ears as a chakra? Senses as Golden? AhHa! Golden chemistry!!  Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow. BOTEC rainbow. This Blessing of the Energy Centers. 

“Blessing of Love, Blessing of Life. Awake in your heart” 

Golden Heart

Noticing “9” around me. License plate. Seat at Moore Theatre. 9 as mystical bubble

Thank you Ancient Aliens for including “spiritual” through substance and language. Spiritual now Golden.

Thank you Joe for ongoing revelation of Love and Light.

We float as One. Lifted and grounded.

Rays of Gold Intention

This week I created a golden maze of coherence with Pat at Firestone, Josh at Hyundai Parts and Kenny at Hyundai Service. Today I have more pathways to create. New car with one wheel losing air pressure + one missing lug nut key and I am lit up in and with golden rays moving here and there with internal and external intention. 

This golden intention has a direct effect on those I speak with. My eyes and vocal cords emit substance like a spider weaving its web. This week is sticky for some. Others can’t see or hear and get left behind. 

5:00 am meditation Blessing of the Energy Centers 7

“Be moved by the Spirit” “Serpent”  — music to my ears!

“Blackness” now Golden

Yes, golden threads, chords, pathways ‘into linear time’

Letting my gears sink in and synch

“Feel it from the Center. Tune in and receive”

‘Loosely wired’. Relaxed in Flow … I was getting… distracted…by the voice tone and….fell asleep. 

This new meditation time hasn’t settled yet.