Author Archive: Patricia Lee

Car Wash

4/10. GOLOV. Layers of negative chatter, file after file. From where and how? I see a disc with spiral arms moving counter clockwise. Is this how negative brain chatter or thoughts move? Is this how downward spiraling words are spit out? Is this the opposite motion of harmonic notes and words? Don’t the chakras line up one after another in clockwise and counterclockwise motion? Or are there two currents moving as one? I’m not able to wrap my brain around this—at this time—so I let it be.

I’m going through a car wash—my body is going through a car wash. Too funny! Layers of toxins washing away!

“a clean heart” Love feels palpable—it has body.

This turn-around detox today has me on a conveyor belt supported by two teachers: Alberto V with his Grow a New Body class today and Joe D with his Progressive lectures. Their words/teachings are exactly what my brain body needs to hear to get me over and through old static! It’s a moment at a time, a day at a time. I value this support!

Energy Circle

I admire the shamanic work of Alberto Villoldo and enjoyed his online talk this morning about The Wisdom Wheel. Same is true of Sandra Ingerman. It’s nice to connect with those who speak the same language. There’s power in raising our voices as One—Goddess circles know it as the Cone of Power.

The women in drum circle like to do Sound Bath Healing with one person in the center and others beating drums around and toward them. I can’t be in this center. It’s too jarring. Too much loud energy coming at me. Today I realized I could be in the center if others put down the drums and used hands to radiate healing energy toward me. In doing so I found myself moved to offer prayers/blessings of ascension. An energy surge moved through my head and the group. It was an “upheaval.”

Hollow Reed

GOLOV. Today I’m a tube/reed with circle opening at the top (N) and downward lines or edges that have “residue.” I spontaneously draw a circle at the bottom to the words “become one.” N/S tube flips (E/W) to the words “know it by heart.”

Music makes me feel like a live wire. I sense insulation around a wire and capping. How do I “cap” this energy moving through hands? I work with it by feeling it move through. The Bible school song “Deep and wide, Deep and Wide, There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide” plays in my head.

Yesterday I felt my body being drawn in the direction of sweet treats. I acknowledged the pull and didn’t go there. I actually became conscious (N) in 3-D of underground (subconscious, unconscious) forces. (What dimension is that? And is it underwater? Or under-ground-water?) It’s as if a debris field of magnetic proportion stays alive by taking prisoners. It’s their feeding frenzy—as a menacing face appears. Just remembered! An innocent child’s face and then an adult face came into mind’s eye. I saw them in a tube and moved them upward.

Coated wires are protected wires. Menacing face again—begone!

Music emanates from center. Still center. E-motion emanates from still center. Music is e/motional!

Weavers and Web

4/8 GOLOV. I immediately remembered (who or what do I thank for that—my guides or my brain-body?) two threads of thought that I didn’t communicate in my last blog: Sex and food are not substitutes for communication. I indulge in external substances when meaning is the generation of internal substance. Communication inspires.

Yesterday was full of lessons about communication: I didn’t ask her questions and she didn’t offer information and actually gave me mixed messages via words. It wasn’t until after spending time together that I saw or sensed what had transpired. And yet, as my daughter has said to me: “Mom, you don’t know that.” And that is why verbal communication is needed in this dimension if I want clear connections. I doubt that I’ll loop back and process this with my friend as I don’t have the time which means we’re not that close. I do hope to remember this the next time we get-together and communicate more clearly.

Communication on this blog is a major outlet for my thoughts and feelings. My audience is mainly in other dimensions with Light Beings who give me good feedback. Again, someone could say, “You don’t know that.” Here I don’t have to justify knowing—I just keep spitting it out. I am my audience!

Learning to communicate more clearly is like learning to eat living foods. Gotta let go of old ignorance and bring in more intelligence. No need to beat oneself up in the process. Rather, enjoy the journey of enlightenment. Reminding me (there’s that communication thread again) that I experienced the “bobble head” effect in GOLOV and that it’s lightness made me chuckle. It’s fun to float outside this physical body. What kind of communication is that? is this?

Okay, got it! (talking to myself is talking to whom — what feedback is looping?) Today I watch for communication patterns, food patterns, sexual patterns. (What if everything is sexual not just romantic love? What if all our interactions / communications were charged and alive?) It’s fun to expand a broader band of intelligence which brings up the biblical verse: Canst thou loose the bands of Orion? I’m talking in circles that are rising, not spinning. What makes the difference? Earth. Reflection. Seeing in the dark. Is this refraction?

Letting go of ignorance opens space for Light. We are Light Weavers and we are the Web — communicating!


I responded to my nanny mom’s complaint that she was giving up on her messy house due to the kids with, “Teach your kids to help you—their good helpers.” I heard the echo of my words and thought they might have been too strong. I watched for signs as to how they “landed” with her. Later I wanted to talk about it and approached her by saying that I may have sounded bossy. She stopped me short saying, “You worry too much.” (The word “deflected” comes up. Not sure its meaning but I see volleyball exchange so I assume it means she didn’t want to play ball.) I went on to explain, holding my ground. I wanted to clear the air though she deflected my words. I said that relationships are important to me. I later realized this mom isn’t comfortable talking about feelings. I’d love to talk to her about feelings and how they fester causing disease if they go unchecked. How I grew up in a household that didn’t talk about feelings. How I hit bottom at age 25 because of this loss of my Feminine nature.

I don’t check in with all my relationships as to how something I said or did landed or how something they said or did landed with me. Not all external relationships are that important, that close. I do check in with myself. I have to live with myself—in my own waters. Communication is a filtration system that keeps the waters clear and clean. It’s circular and it circulates! (Men at war is the result of this lack of communication with their inner Feminine Heart.)

Communication sustains inner and outer harmony if it’s processed right. Communication is the glue that binds relationship. For me that means talking about feelings—my own and others. It’s nice when relationships hum along without any glitches. And it’s nice to be able to process the glitches through communication.

My inner wheels of communication are functioning better than ever. I’m making choices in territory where there was no choice. It’s like landing on dry land in deep waters. Consciousness is dry land. Subconsciousness is water. Unconsciousness is paddling upstream against Source. Superconsciousness is flowing with Source through dry land and water and it’s mantra is: Know Thyself.

Rereading this I see Serpentine Line as dry land. Will leave that here/now to be processed later—or not. Also seeing “photon” as a word to explore. Is Serpent photon? Is photon Dragon with wings— Light Sourced? Later….

Serpentine Lineage

What is orgasm and how to talk about it? A “serpentine line” is the answer. This line moves subtle and thin to dense and thick. Most humans know density only and are stuck in physical pleasure/pain. Humans who are conscious live in an expanded electromagnetic field and know spiritual bliss/peace.

As the serpentine line moves down the scale or spectrum it touches each endocrine node creating surround sound as in the sonar wave image. 3-D density provides substance for a full bodied, rounded song.

When two opposite serpentine lines attract and vibrate the radiation intensifies through the whole subtle/dense field. Serpent likes this recognition! So God/dess—so earthy!



New vibration moving at/through core. “Binding nerves” were the words in response to the sensation followed by one of my favorite Bible verses: “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades…”

Solar core + Soular core = orgasmic rippling.
Rippling, resounding Sonar Wave

A new focused seriousness, business oriented as in spiritual business. Sending signals above dead bodies. Ukraine.

“Sonar uses sound waves to ‘see’ in the water.”

“Sonar, short for Sound Navigation and Ranging, is helpful for exploring and mapping the ocean because sound waves travel farther in the water than do radar and light waves.”

If water represents Truth (as we heard it as Emissaries of Divine Light) then we are exploring and mapping deeper Truths.

“Sonar (sound navigation and ranging) is a technology that uses acoustical waves to sense the location of objects in the ocean. The simplest sonar devices send out a sound pulse from a transducer, and then precisely measure the time it takes for the sound pulses to be reflected back to the transducer.”

I heard Zelenski’s Grammy Award speech the day after. So creative and meaningful. He is a spiritual leader as are his people. Biblical.


Light beam plug-in. Stillness. Looping around drama that is seen, heard, felt. Looping around until body lands anew, in an orderly fashion. Body grooves with Being plugged in. Recharge, charge, discharge looping. Letting it take me where it will. Today, it’s white, green and red.

Happy body is happy head and feet. Reminding me that my physical balance between head and feet has been off for many years. Maybe all my life. Oh, there’s a buried fear factor. A disconnect. Time to get out of or expand my Light body and focus on connecting chi, nerves and muscles with Earth. My physical body with Earth body.

More homework to add to my daily life. Food lifts me and can ground me. Nettle pesto, almond milk (homemade recommended by friend Rachna) smoothie (instead of sugar), pinto beans. Listening anew. It’s a joining of subtle and dense / dense and subtle—circular not linear. What goes around comes around. Fun to fly in the unknown and land unexpectedly. One never knows what will happen when light beams cross paths. One simply allows it to move, to flow.

Light = Change

Following orders (from within) is following Order (from above).

Is refraction a splintering? I see a splintered shard of glass and the word “refraction” is loud and clear.


  1. the fact or phenomenon of light, radio waves, etc. being deflected in passing obliquely through the interface between one medium and another or through a medium of varying density.
    • change in direction of propagation of any wave as a result of its traveling at different speeds at different points along the wave front.
    • measurement of the focusing characteristics of an eye or eyes.

Why does light refract in glass?

Light waves change speed when they pass across the boundary between two substances with a different density , such as air and glass. This causes them to change direction, an effect called refraction .