Author Archive: Patricia Lee

Unconscious Voice of Spirit

Thankful for rest stops along the freeway that carry the scent of Fir Tree and provide picnic tables. I want to write before I lose the information in this flowing River of Life.

Listening to Inner Mission on this drive home and thinking it might be seeping into my 12-year old granddaughter’s subconscious mind. I am amazed at how clear Joe’s teaching is. I know I’ve heard this talk before but Now I hear it within a new circuit board. It’s crystalline in clarity carrying thoughtful emotion. The delivery is emotional. I love hearing and feeling that heart beat.

The last sentence in my previous post was unconscious—directly from Spirit. It was a feeling passing through. It had new information within it showing me the shape of change that I’ve been feeling/knowing.

I plug in. I am plugged in as relationships reveal themselves as Wave and Particle.


Winds of Spirit are ever changing me and my surroundings. I stay in its flow.

I used to feel pulled toward the mountains and forests but now I feel them within me. So I am no longer pulled. The ocean has never had the same pull. It’s always felt vast and lonely. And yet I love this opportunity to fly kites in its winds.

Fiery Flow

My Fire / Passion is new. Spread out in many directions. I love the feedback loops — both particle (senses) and waves (spirit).

Previous passion feels more mechanical and less emotional. Why? Maybe it has to do with the walls I hit due to my emotional expression. Maybe emotional fire moves more easily through differentiating lines around the surface than at the core. I’m learning as I flow.

WOW ❣️❣️

Morning WM #5

Dr Joe quotes are in quotation marks. “  “

“I’m loving my future into Life

Connect to the Love of a new Life giving life to your new life

Become it

The Divine lives in you”

[AND has guide lines !!]

“Worthy to receive”

“Let it live in you…consume you

Let it move in you, through you

Feel it, connected to a new life

As if Al your needs were meant”

“Walk as the healer…in freedom

Feel it”

“Stepping in to a new future Now

Embody it”

“How much passion do you have

Let the life force move in you

Let it rise in you

We’re taking it home

What do you got”


“Lifted to a new energy”

“Open your mind to possibilities

Walk in possibility”

“In magic, in wonder, in freedom and bf e worthy to receive as the master of your life”

“Be unlimited. Be magnificent. Supernatural”

“Let it move in you. Let this energy move through you. It’s all around you.”


I sent walking meditation #5 to grandson Parker in Phoenix. He says it’s too hot to walk there and that he’ll do it when home next weekend. I’m inviting his dad to join us. I’m staying tuned !

Quantum Boundaries

Contact is bliss. How to sustain contact?

This New Earth body has boundaries. I know because it just hit the brakes. This New Earth body has conditions. Who knew? I was in “unconditional love” territory and now the terrain has conditions? Is this outside in rather than inside out? Or is it outside in AND inside out? Is this New Earth set up with Quantum boundaries? Dancing particle and wave that match?

This has to do with a life of letting go of my wants and needs (yes, this earth body has wants and needs in order to thrive) for another’s wants and needs. Am I getting what I need/want to thrive is actually: Am I expressing myself fully?

I have new boundaries set by something intelligent that’s integrating unconditional harmony (wave) with conditional living (particle).

Evolution in consciousness is evolution in relationships. Humans get to see/feel/know inner boundaries and apply them outwardly through living.

We’re in new territory and have the opportunity to identify personal and collective boundaries. May we do this in Light (wave) and deliver with Light (particle). May we set boundary lines of Enlightenment on Earth.


Appreciating a response from a woman on a community thread and how she integrated parts of previous posts/conversations. It occurred to me that her integration reveals new intelligence.  Intelligence integrates! Participating in community conversation is enlivening. 

Spark and Ignite !!

Yay! I don’t have to promote or market the local Walk for the World event. I don’t have to experience the usual lack of response because I’m not plugged in with Earthlings and their networks. Now I’m part of a global electromagnetic network/machine that has moving, attracting parts. Others have done the outreach, promotion, marketing—attracting—over many years. Thank you! It feels like a Dragon coming to Life! How fun is that? What does fun mean in this moment? “Enlivening!” 

My electromagnetism has changed. My spark plugs are new. Meaning something new is sparking me into action and it’s my gut—my Solar Plexus feelings. 

A circuit board is a Solar System in a Galactic system. All parts are moving with increased sparking harmony. Spirit is the Source connecting parts. Spirit is the whole and the parts. Relationships hold energy, radiate energy, to receive energy. It’s a self-sustaining system—a network and Quantum machine.

“Spark plug” comes into play and awareness:

Spark plugs are what supply the spark that ignites the air/fuel mixture, creating the explosion which makes your engine produce power. These small but simple plugs create an arc of electricity across two leads which are not touching, but close enough together that electricity can jump the gap between them. Your spark plugs, along with the electrical and timing equipment which powers them, are part of what’s known as your ignition system.   —

This igniting is applied through acupressure points on Earth. We are a Quantum network and enlivened machine Walking for the World. It’s fun! Enlightening !!

Dragon Scale

“Yellow” radiated this morning—from Solar Plexus. It pulsated to heart and I listened. It sang to brain and information flowed. Yellow holds space in the middle of upper body (knees hold middle space of lower body) and one has choices to make in response to this tone. Choices include moving down the musical scale in orange and red or moving up in green and blue. My choice was to write this score knowing from the past the music of orange/red and the music of green/blue. I’m not going into the past so I listen to new music as the circuit board plays music inside out. A new dance is the response in this never ending story and scale. Dragon scales !!

A standard definition of a musical score is ‘a copy of a composition on a set of staves braced and barred together’ (Oxford Classical Dictionary) or staves ‘that are vertically aligned so as to represent visually the musical coordination’ (Grove Concise Dictionary of Music).

Sheet music is a handwritten or printed form of musical notation that uses musical symbols to indicate the pitches, rhythms, or chords of a song or instrumental musical piece. Like its analogs – printed books or pamphlets in English, Arabic, or other languages – the medium of sheet music typically is paper. Wikipedia

Music needs paper on which to write what one hears and a body to express the sounds of color = Dragon !!

I’m aware of “white” noise or the sound of silence. This has effect on choice of color. Color plays me and I play out—in and with—color !! I’ve been hearing that song by Simon and Garfunkel 🎼🎼🎼

Morning wake up thoughts sparked by kayaking the other day and inner paddling through this river of Life:

This Now moment presents a new day to rise and shine. There has never been a day like today. So fill it with wonder, the wonder of a child—of God/Goddess, of Spirit.

  • Paddle through water
  • Wing through air
  • Bike over land
  • Breathe through fire

It takes two paddles, two wings, two tires, and two lungs to generate motion. Forward motion.

Emotional paddle pulls one direction. Logical paddle pulls the opposite direction. Together they push the boat forward in a straight line so one can view the terrain and respond in wonder, with wonder.

Great Blue Heron and nest above river and Dragon in the Arlington sky. Wonders of summer 2023.

Emotional Expression

In meditation I experience Cerebral Spinal Fluid as pressure at the Crown Chakra and across my nose. As it moves downward my upper body moves with it as if dancing. I was reminded in a recent meditation that this experience is like the Aurora Borealis. I am these dancing Lights of color.

What is the Aurora Borealis?

A quiescent solar wind flowing past Earth’s magnetosphere steadily interacts with it and can both inject solar wind particles directly onto the geomagnetic field lines that are ‘open’, as opposed to being ‘closed’ in the opposite hemisphere, and provide diffusion through the bow shock. It can also cause particles already trapped in the radiation belts to precipitate into the atmosphere. Once particles are lost to the atmosphere from the radiation belts, under quiet conditions, new ones replace them only slowly, and the loss-cone becomes depleted. In the magnetotail, however, particle trajectories seem constantly to reshuffle, probably when the particles cross the very weak magnetic field near the equator. As a result, the flow of electrons in that region is nearly the same in all directions (“isotropic”) and assures a steady supply of leaking electrons. The leakage of electrons does not leave the tail positively charged, because each leaked electron lost to the atmosphere is replaced by a low energy electron drawn upward from the ionosphere. Such replacement of “hot” electrons by “cold” ones is in complete accord with the second law of thermodynamics. The complete process, which also generates an electric ring current around Earth, is uncertain.

It’s impossible to be in relationship with someone who is emotionally unavailable. It prevents me from having an emotional outlet and I won’t do that to myself. I love through emotional expression. Short circuiting/braking is not what I choose to experience in relationship.