Author Archive: Patricia Lee

Wiring a House

I wrote this after listening to Dr. Joe Dispenza’s video The Secret to Transform Your Personality I am posting here so I remember.

In my house there are two children named Feeling and Thought. They are wired together and bounce off each other (is this a cross current?). In the upper part of the house is an Overseer who can untangle the two when enmeshed and set them straight. The children are getting familiar with the new wiring that produces an ambience of dominion.

This household begins to feel that living life is meditation. That it’s not an external time, place, activity. It’s the electrical current that moves through the whole house. As a result our house has new capacity with more input and output plugins. This upgrade allows new activity in the wires, between them and from them.

I move forward with relationships that are “conductive” (will look that word up—seems words are the breadcrumbs or sparks from wiring and firing and follow a law of attraction.)

“Conductivity defines a material’s ability to conduct electricity. Electric current can flow easily through a material with high conductivity.”

This household will now recognize the basement where words abide to rise up to the attic of Overseer consciousness.

Charge, discharge, recharge—fiery breaths of Life. Dragon breathing! Our house is a dragon. Reminds me of Draco, the constellation.

I tried to sleep after these early morning hours and as soon as I closed my eyes Serpent appears to inform me that S/He is what flows through the wires !! “Creator and Creation” come up. Is Creator the Energy and Creation the wiring? Maybe Co-creation is the household. My brain needs a recharge—sleep!!

New Field, New Me

I love road trips—alone. It gives me opportunity to think and process circumstances regarding my Human Self. On a recent road trip I realized:

After returning from the Marco Island Meditation Retreat in early November I experienced a shift in relationships. One with a man I love where it felt like hitting a wall. The the other with food where I felt freed from a wall. What was a common thread in both relationships? I was too enmeshed!

Addictive food patterns let go of me! I had changed in vibration since the mystical retreat and now my life was aligning differently. I was and I am able to make new food choices. The relationship is more mysterious. I let go but he’s come back around. Now what?

Relationships can be dependent, co-dependent, independent, and interdependent. A Solar System is made up of interdependent parts so is that true of human relationships? Do I choose the one(s) close and the ones further out? Or do they choose? It’s definitely a Law of Attraction that revolves around response. Reminding me of this EDL teaching: Radiation, Attraction, Response, Union, Unified Radiation. All Solar Systems have this equation !! (Less sugar and flour helps me be more radiant. What people add to my radiance? What groups, what environments?)

Another “now what?” is that I am not enjoying meditations that have words. My brain doesn’t want logic. The only meditation working is GOLOV. That community resonance provides a chamber from which to see and BE out in the cosmic field. Is that a Solar System?

I am looking for music for meditation. Maybe life is my meditation. I am definitely on a new trajectory on this day of Grand Conjunction 2020.

May Light increase Through Earth, on Earth.

ET Love

5:30 am GOLOV 20 12/19/2020

The second song, Bliss (I Am the Light of My Soul) in our GOLOV meditation is powerful. It brings into my field of vision yogis (Yogananda) and Extraterrestrial beings. The music, voices and lyrics make my hands come alive and dance. It’s Light activating my Matter.

1st session: Hands dance. Fingers emit rainbow beams/threads. (This happened at the November Marco Island Meditation Retreat after a four hour meditation. My fingers danced to the music radiating rainbow beams around the room. It was childlike fun.) Today I extended the colorful beams through open space.

2nd session: An ET peeks up into my field of vision. His large black eyes peering. Seems shy. I reassure that she/he is welcome. This is a “Grey” different from last week’s visitor. He moves into full view and I ask if I can extend Love—does he know emotion? His response? He shows me his fingers.

My interpretation: Our Galactic family is coming in to meet us as we go out to meet them. We meet in the middle on rainbow frequency. Arcing love—“bridging” Love from last week’s visitation.

The Grand Conjunction

Friend says she doesn’t understand the video about The Grand Conjunction (channeled by Angel Michael with reference to #9) and that she would research it. That is impossible! Impossible to understand Cosmic Consciousness with mental mind and Beta brainwave. One knows through emotional connection—experience that is holy, wholistic.

Love! Love is a substance that is generated by orbital interaction—relationship. Everything, absolutely every thing, in one’s orbit is moving in relationship—from rock and tree to human and non-human. Love is not interaction of body parts—sex. That old paradigm requires a polarity shift from south to north! The field and parts in the field evolve—naturally—in Light and Love of intelligence. Love is the grounding expression of Light

Non-local (telepathic) relationships with two-legged men has come to a halt for me after 20 years. I’ve had enough! I want more. I require more. And what is this “more?” It’s emotional substance through physical interaction. It’s a spoken word, a touch, a laugh, etc. grounded through physical matter. Light requires this full and complete circuitry to shine in this dimension. Love is the grounding expression of Light.

At this time of Grand Conjunction I am grateful to be so clear about this moment in my personal time/space field. What’s happening personally is happening collectively (I say this because I am part of the whole) as we move into a new Emotional Age—Feminine in Heart and Masculine in Mind and Whole in Body. Now that is sexy !!


GOLOV 20 is a meditation group with Dr. Joe Dispenza. I have been participating once a week. I will now participate twice a week because of the increased communication from my friends in space/multidimensions.

5:30 PT GOLOV 12/12/2020
1st Session: ET friend showed up—thin, white. We held hands !!
2nd Session: ET danced, made me laugh—said we have a “laughter chakra.” Said they (ETs) are a “bridge” to the Celestial/Angelic ones.

My take assisted with downloads: Each type/species of Being has a harmonic frequency to contribute in the chain of Life. Humans are getting a tune up.

Delivering Creative Expression

I want to create a YouTube channel to hold my mystical stories. This reveals to me that a “relationship” has changed and needs a new container. What is that relationship? It’s the same one birthed when Angel Michael touched me with Light. It’s the same one now expanded in consciousness and living expression. It’s my Matter dancing with Light.

Instinct guides me. Joy enlivens me. Instinctual joy is my driving force. Not a new car, job, house or relationship. Nothing external drives me. I am my own driving force of Joy as Co-Creator and Creation. I want to sing it, dance it through my individuated creative expression.

I wish this inner fulfillment with it’s overflowing energy for every creation. I wish this expression for base elements of Water, Air, Earth and Fire. I wish this safe place for every mystical, multidimensional Elemental. It feels good to begin to articulate the change I’ve been going through. A change that feels orbital. Maybe I will talk about that one day on YouTube !! The creative process of consciousness is orbital—circular as in sacred geometry and “sacred dance” !! These last two words inserted into my brain and onto paper in a flash of Light. I always give credit for this instantaneous/instinctual download to my higher Sources of Love and Intelligence. Everyone can Plug In!! More food for a YouTube talk.

Generating Love

So much happens in meditation. This morning with GOLOV. I let the energy move me here, there, everywhere. Serpent seems to know this and is ready for a dance partner! S/He’s a good dancer!!

Image #1 was immediate. When I moved out of lotus position I recognized the similarity in posture, in design. Serpent is the energy that moves through—activating matter. Serpent is the expression of e-motion.

Image #2 emerged as a “filament” moving through my head and down to the center of the Earth. Sun above and Earth below. What a cosmic love affair reminding me of that “mystical marriage” between the pineal and pituitary glands (+/-). Positive Sun and Negative Earth create an expanded field of Love.

Serpentine energy moves my body as I meditate. One pattern of motion is top of head being pulled back which compresses back of neck. Bingo! Enter Reptilian Brain that plays a role as a coordinate. Does this head back and forehead (Third Eye) up create a lineup of chakra points and centers? Does it create a unified field? I noticed air was breathing me differently. It’s helpful to be resilient, open, to let new patterns emerge. Observation is a gift of consciousness.

Coordinates are lining up through inclusion. No part left out. More parts revealing themselves. We are Lighting Up.

“Generator” is a word that revealed itself in our GOLOV community. Yes we are !! Generating new Love point to point, line to line, surface to surface. Crystal generation !!

Meditation to “Atlantis”

I had asked for the the name of my Dragon homeland and it came through now as I wrote this title—faster than the speed of Light !!

Quantum Meditation via Dr. Joe Dispenza

I feel the side of a structure with my right hand. I am inside a hologram, space ship, orb, capsule. I land and exit the craft walking the white marble path to my dear Arcturian with large bulbous head, high collar and deep blue cloak and gown. I see his full face and express Love for him. We converse. I ask questions about conditions on Earth. He does a scan on my brain releasing bonds or implants. He assures support through the changes. Dragon is here and we reconnect. Everything feels so real, so physical!! “Love can do that” I am told.

Back to meditation:

Horse chariots fill the skies. Dragons on the move. (Reminds me of biblical book of Revelation.) Removing implants, meteors, in the field of space. Very shamanic—in the Cosmic field. Clearing negative, invisible space before positive, visible matter.

Back to meditation:

“Tipping the trim tab”—changing reality. Have to look up “trim tab”

Why is my brain-heart-body in a new state of seeing and hearing detail? Because the collective body is moving as One. Because Throat Chakra is opening connecting to Heart Chakra activating Angel-Human Wings.

I give thanks for mutidimensional family support and for this catalyst in the form of Dr. Joe. We are all playing our parts in the “liberation of Matter.”

Blood Type

4:50 am. I woke up to the question: What “triggers” me regarding a non-local relationship? The answer has to do with temperature of hot to cold creating a void. It’s not a sustainable pattern for a warm-blooded mammal. Maybe it is for a cold-blooded reptile. I AM more than these blood types. My blood is heart centered which must be a totally different creature/creation.

Being triggered for me results in detachment, letting go. Is that my old “flight” pattern for safety? Or is it a new pattern of discernment that is observation from a distance until something shifts in the energy field. I’ve been in this hot/cold pattern with men for twenty years. What am I supposed to be learning? What am I learning? I am definitely learning a lot in this new field of relationship. He is different, very different. He is conscious, self-aware in higher chakras. I am grateful my relationships are evolving.

I am not sure what others think of my constant “self-absorption.” How I always talk about myself as if I am the center of my universe. Truth is: I AM the center of my universe and that makes all the difference. My fascination with my day-to-day life has to do with my relationship with Light (not ego) and how it moves through me and thus my life.

So I am asking myself: “What if?” A Rob Hopkins question! What if I didn’t detach? What if I stayed engaged rather than letting go? To be honest I am resistant. I want my open sky to fly away. I want to breathe and be able to be free from this world. No, I don’t trust men who treat women as objects. That’s it! That’s what the “hot to cold” feels like.

And beyond all this is the fact that we are all learning about non-local relationship. Why? Because our brain-heart-bodies are evolving. How to Love vibrationally, multi-dimensionally? How to meet and interact outside 3-D reality? I do this with my mystical friends via Third Eye imaging. Do I go to them? Do they come to me? Do we meet in some middle? I think of hologram as a vehicle for communication. My heart showed itself as a hologram in a recent meditation. More questions!

Meditation always provides guidance from deeper states of knowing and Being.