
trishportraitPatricia Lee has been listening to the language of the Sacred Feminine for over forty years. Inspired by her peaceful practice of meditation, she volunteered at a peace and justice organization in Tacoma, WA and worked for eighteen years at a nonprofit serving at-risk youth and families. In 2003 she founded Community Threads to offer classes, events and concerts for the “expression, education and celebration of community.” Compelled to support the global movement of Transition Towns Patricia founded Transition Woodinville in 2010. Her activity book, Circle of Life ~ Mapping One’s Story, connected her to Native Indian Tribes in Washington State where she invited tribal members to tell their life stories by creating mandala maps. Her creation story Turtle’s Circle of Life is available as a coloring book. (Contact Running parallel to these outer achievements, Patricia evolved spiritually as a mystic and shaman. Her book S/He Dragon ~ How I Found My Wings weaves ordinary and non-ordinary realities that describe the landscape of her life. This landscape also includes three children, four grandchildren, a vegetable garden, bike riding, hiking, dancing and building a global Light Workers network on Facebook.



  1. Kittty de Bruin

    can we have a chat about how to integrate inner transition better in a country like France?
    I see that you havae exoerinece with that, and i would like to learn from that>
    At this moment i try to cennect peopl who sater remote healing in France,
    big hug and my complements nice site!

    1. Patricia Lee (Post author)

      Hello Kitty,
      Thanks for reaching out! I love the topic of inner transition and am happy to chat with you about it. The first thing that comes to mind is the need for humans of all ages to practice sitting still and turning within to listen and watch. (Yes, this sparks imagination which I know as Third Eye imaging. I also call it Dragon Eye.) We are so driven to succeed externally that we forget about our inner source of spiritual nourishment. Does the word “spiritual” resonate with you and your group? What other word/s can be used? I like the words “faery dust” because my inner world sparkles bringing me enchantment in my outer world. Wouldn’t it be fun to have places in our towns and landscape where people could simply sit and be still? Places of enchantment intention? Maybe this is already happening? Do you know?
      Come sit a spell
      Put your cares aside
      Look within and listen
      On a magic carpet ride
      Inner transition paves the road to more joy in our life.

  2. Casey Russell

    Hello Trish! I just got done listening to you on SOR. I think your story is very amazing. Your believes are very similar to mine and I was fascinated With your interpretation of Archangel Michael. I wanted to send you a friend request on Facebook but had a hard time finding you. I had my girlfriend listen to your show to and you blew her away! She said that she would love to meet you. I have to apologize for Dave Scott because he does not appreciate spiritual out looks like yours and I. I believe your information was very beneficial for that show, though. I hope you have a blessed day! Sending you love and light! ♥️

    1. Patricia Lee (Post author)

      Hi Casey,

      I am delighted to hear from you. Thank you for seeing me, and thank your girlfriend! I would be happy to meet you sometime. Where do you live? I Facebook via Patricia Lee. (

      You must have angel wings!

      New revelations keep coming through but don’t think I/they are being heard. Oh, I just got a “hit” (inner nudge) that my work is mostly vibrational and I need not be concerned about the lack of response in this realm because I receive it from multi-dimensions. That’s for sure! I feel like a “portal” with the latest visit (yesterday) from a leprechaun smoking his pipe! I call this mystical life one of “enchantment.”

  3. Casey Russell

    The right people are hearing you! My connections are multi dimensional as well. I received my first download from Light Beings a year and four months ago. It changed my life for ever! I have learned not to share my experiences but with a few close people. I do share share some of the information, here and there on Facebook when the vibration feels right. I do planetary grid work. Part of that is connecting to certain high vibrational people around Mother Gaia. I would like you to know that their is a light connection between you and I now! That is why I loved what you were saying about oneness! I am more private with my experiences and downloads but when I am nudged I do release some. I think your information is impacting more people than you realize! It may sound absurd to lower vibrational people, but it magic to the right ones. You give people the confidence to be their authentic self! Thank you for sharing what you did! I hope you enjoy Angel Chatter!????♥️????♥️????♥️????

  4. Patricia Lee (Post author)

    I appreciate reading this again, Casey! Response makes the world go round so thanks for ongoing response, my friend.


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