Inspired Information

Andromeda being appears through all seeing/all knowing Eye

Andromeda supports Love. Humans were designed in Love, as Love

“Sacred heart. Find it, feel it”

Emotional intelligence disconnected. Human DNA manipulated. 

Going back and forward — at the same time. Space Time / Time Space. 

Heart upgrade. Ego resilience. Andromeda support. Yes, I see you, hear you as my human heart waves, quakes. Heart quakes. That’s a good description of the new frequency moving through Body.

“Tune in to that possibility”

Captivating pulsing music

Love connection is felt, moves through body supporting

I marvel at this new feeling called relationship

Love connection, Love relationship

Andromeda presence

“Remember your intention. Sending your signal out from your brain. Feel your connection to it”

“Sending the signal out from your radiant brain. aware of nothing but the feeling”

“In your brain” — body. 

“Coherent heart. Coherent brain. Feel it” in Body—embody

Coherent meditation field generates emotional intelligence that sends a signal out

I heard them say that there’s nothing new. That’s impossible with coherent brain/heart/body.

End of meditation…is a beginning

When I listen again I will see and hear something new because I’ve generated (through inform-inspire-ation) more emotional intelligence.

Releasing Love and Truth creates space for more Love and Truth — Life. 🔺 

Three pointed relationship.

What’s a new word for inspired information? I hear it! “Andromeda”

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