In November I’m offering a Circle of Life class at the apartment complex where I live. I keep to myself here so this feels like a “coming out.” Maybe a next phase of coming out of my shell.
During our fast paced walking meditation yesterday my right knee started to feel pinched, stressed. I sent/signaled energy to it through inner Eye and breath. That wasn’t enough so I pulled energy up my left side of body via foot, l ankle and leg then around and down right side. This was effective and the pinching stopped. I visualized cartilage and ligaments strong, supple, happy.
At Whole Foods I was looking at ice cream and inner core/voice reminded me of our agreement. “It’s not time.” Looking at turmeric/cayenne chocolate bars the same connection happened. Again I was reminded of inner agreement. I intend to walk in this same conscious/subconscious connected space today and this evening.
I’m Christmas shopping early and cutting that budget in half. I really like being more conscious of my financial input/output balance.
These victories created mental pressure and wanted release so Heart meditation was background music as I wrote. Lesson! Empty mental mind before meditation. It doesn’t want to be put on hold. Like a rain cloud full and ready to release content. It’s a getting to know my Selves.
As I laid down in Sunday’s walking meditation #5 two tree branches above me created East/West arcs. I felt held in New Earth.