I have a blueprint around me with points and lines/angles. I’m refining it by changing old habit patterns in 3D. Just now (5:00 am) I saw the face of a being who was stuck to me like glue. I peeled “it” off of me. These influences are now seen and released. I’m on a new ground and a new path ready to face these light dimmers. Which is my conclusion as to why I self-sabotage. My light will no longer be negated by outside influences/forces that have attached to me. Light increasingly shines through this 3D body. I’m serving as a voice for my self/Self and for Gaia. We are one body in this process of purification.
I’m noticing that my blueprint design doesn’t fit with some of those here in 3D. This lack of resonance has me moving in a different direction. It feels like turning a huge ship. (I’ve said and done this before.)
I learn that I cannot impose my blueprint design on others. I become aware and let go in order to make room for new paths that manifest as I move forward.
“A blueprint is a guide for making something — it’s a design or pattern that can be followed.”
Blueprints resonate when they match. I refine my 3D blueprint by listening and honoring a higher blueprint.