Monthly Archive: August 2024

I Feel the Earth Move

GOLOV 5:30 am 8/31/2024

A sweet night of Latin dancing and being with a group of strangers. We warmed up to one another. I watched it, felt it, contributed to it. Love flowed slow then picked up pace.

“Take a breath” — it’s cleansing

In a bubble — I am a bubble — that often prefers to be separate, introverted.

It’s temperature regulated from still cold to warm to active fire. 

🎶 I feel the Earth move 🎶. I am a mountain with lava love flowing, outreaching. 

On vacation, being home (staycation!) I’m connecting with Nature and wanting more time in Her elements that are my elements.  

Appreciating GOLOV space and community. Thank you Dr Joe 💞

Self-Organizing Crystal

I am part of a self-organizing system. Emotional and mental patterns from the past can’t live here.

“Self-organization, also called spontaneous order in the social sciences, is a process where some form of overall order arises from local interactions between parts of an initially disordered system. The process can be spontaneous when sufficient energy is available, not needing control by any external agent.”

I’m taking this activity to share with Ryan on Sunday. Reading the instructions I see that the body is (and collective bodies are) a “self-organizing” crystal in that: 

“When certain types of liquid cool, the molecules inside the liquid begin to solidify. These crystal particles join together into unit cells. The first unit cells usually start by attaching to the surface of something solid. The unit cells that form next will then attach themselves to the first crystals, forming a new layer. Given the right conditions, there really is no limit to the size to which a crystal can grow.”  

(Just keep it out of a pot!)

Change, Grow & Change

I wake up to specific feelings/thoughts. The two are in agreement so I communicate their voices through my voice. 

A lot is changing. I don’t gravitate to meditation the way I used to. I don’t thrive on it the way I used to. It’s as if I am a potted plant needing new nutrients and even a new pot. Am I root bound? “Tap root” came to mind.

A taproot is the main root of a plant that grows vertically downward, and is the largest and central root structure. Taproots are usually thick, straight, and taper in shape. They are important for a plant’s stability and nutrient transport. 

Some people in the community are excited about purchasing property and living together in an intentional community. For me it feels closed in. I need breathing room with space to be alone and move in any direction. 

I observe the changes knowing there is always more change. I am steadfast in my conviction to inner harmony. This harmony sounds in many directions and ways. (Leaves of a plant come to mind’s Eye) Yes, I need new space. “All will be revealed.”

Planet Earth is a pot

North Star Compass

A North Star compass guides me. I feel it in my body. Introvert. Extrovert. Sometimes the energy shifts when I’m with people and I have to leave abruptly. I’m not good at faking it. It’s as if I need oxygen. 

Reminds me of a battery. Charge. Discharge. Recharge. Or a balloon. 

Sometimes my brain feels full/saturated and I don’t feel like meditating. I flow with this. My rule or law is flow. 

One area of living that is more structure than flow is the process of changing my relationship with food. I’m succeeding by learning to stay within the new rules. My body is the student of that North Star compass. 

It’s all chemical! And at the center of this soup—no! in the broth—is stability. No wobble. Directional alignment. E/S/W/N. This gives me a sense of contentment.


Spiritual definition:

Referred to as ‘akasha’ in Sanskrit, ether is the element that comes first in yogic and Ayurvedic thinking. Ether is without the firmness of earth, the coolness of water, the heat of fire or even the movement of wind. It is therefore the very essence of ’emptiness’. The space element is the most subtle of all elements.

Chemical definition:

a light volatile flammable liquid C4H10O used chiefly as a solvent and especially formerly as an anesthetic. b. : any of a class of organic compounds characterized by an oxygen atom attached to two carbon atoms.

Reminds me that yesterday in walking meditation both knees started to talk to me. I visualized photons of Light moving down my body to my knees. This calmed the heat. A bit later I tuned in and the moving substance was now thick like gelatin. My knees were now quiet. Thank you!

Another learning curve. Another creative process. In the beginning was the word. Be still and Know.

Split Reality

I observe/experience the following:  Split screen. Quantum gap. Missing time. Timelines. Revolving door. 

Recently I was braking at a stop light. The car stopped in 3D reality but kept moving in another. It was confusing even startling which snapped me out of the dream.

Yesterday after Changing Boxes meditation I saw red Hawthorn berries along the path. I kept going but thought I should go back and pick some for tea. Odd thing was there was no Hawthorn tree. I walked to an actual tree at another path location thinking I would pick red berries. The berries are not yet red.  I’ve concluded this was another split screen moment. An observer effect, a Quantum gap, a missing time, a timeline, a revolving door. This is my brain function that is not of this world. It’s more than 3D. 

I don’t know where this is taking me other than out of body or in this body differently. My Now compass is my intuition with the sensorial colors that have presented themselves. 

I am a conscious observer living in a participatory universe manifesting new physicality.

Thy Will Be Done

It’s another creative cycle that included empty space or—Quantum gaps. In this space of nothingness one is tested. Are you willing to let go of that which has been known? Are you willing to “change boxes?”

In the Bible, God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac in Genesis 22. The story is often called the “Sacrifice of Isaac.”

Another aspect of the creative cycle is to move when called or nudged. I wasn’t moved until community turned the tide.  It’s not up to us to decide the timeline. It’s up to us to be guided by a higher frequency of Force.

Another aspect is peace that passeth understanding. It’s the peace of Thy will being done.

The Pituitary Gland has a family of matter to nurture and feed as She is nurtured and fed by that which is higher. It’s a newly expanded relationship soft in pinks and blues. Heart ❤️, throat 💙 and pineal 💜 bathed in White Light.

Pink Development

I’ve been living in a split-screen reality. I’m changing that so I can be more focused and less diffused. It’s going to help me move forward instead of hitting walls of stuck places. Reminds me of Dana Lyons’ song Drop of Water.  Water— Water of Truth flows. I’d love to work/volunteer for the Harris/Walz campaign. I can make phone calls! I’ll check that out. 

Walking meditation is also my focus.  I walk in synch with inner balance. I walk and talk to create balance. What does that do to the split screen? I’m seeing it now as a prism of many colors. I love that !! Love is in the air and ground and all around. It looks different because we’re all different in this new phase of development that’s sweetly pink. Peaceful within 🌸🌷🌸

Oversoul’s Sweet Sensuality

Folklife’s Summer Nights in Bothell was sweet. The people, families, children, greenery of trees and landscape, bands/music (Reggae and Brazilian), young and old dancing to the beat, smiles and laughter, vendors, food trucks (good food to choose from), perfect weather and three dear friends. The feeling reminds me of that magical morning on the beach at Ocean Shores. Two different flowing/NOW experiences with the same sensual emotion. One hour later…the sky delivers thunder and lightning. How considerate! Getting it now—it’s as if I touched into the Oversoul of those times and places. Call it Healthy entanglement! Last night I felt sweet love in and with this city I live.

I thought I was going to Walking Meditation this morning but my pace and posting emotional content gave me a late start. So when I got in my car I checked inward and decided not to be 10 minutes late. The sweet freedom of flexibility. Ahhh!  No hurry now. My body is happy as I welcome this day.