Monthly Archive: July 2024


Instinctive knowing or intelligence works with logic. I know because I watched it:  I was reasoning within myself and came up with new intelligence, new solutions. So, Thymus represents inner and outer communication. It’s at the center of the torso to integrate and balance information—communication. Thank you, Thymus 💙💙

Pituitary and Pineal are in creative relationship with Thymus. They share common purpose, common ground. Ah-Ha! Thymus grounds energy and manages/signals nerves and nerves….signal muscle fiber.

The Nature of Truth

Tuning In To New Potential was/is a perfect morning meditation. My body landed me there without intellect. It was instinctual. 

Lately I’m putting my left hand on my thymus gland/fifth chakra. It feels good—I feel good. It feels solid as in foundation—I have new foundation.

My friend says it’s because I’m expressing myself more. I’m showing up more in this realm.

This thymus is like a compass keeping me on track. Keeping me true in intention: to Love more, demand less. That “dear ones” is instinctual.

GOLOV revelations

As I looked out my windows at the green trees I was at the ocean again with Copalis Beach still singing through me . 🎶🎶. 

Planet Earth is a Petri dish! A chemical soup!

I always get “Owl Eyes” during GOLOV. Today I asked why and received “Alien Eyes.” Alien face of friendship. Eye to Eye in cosmic consciousness.  👀

My intention continues: Let Love radiate without concern for results.  I have, I wear, new armor! It’s a Happy Dance 🎶🎶

More Body Language

This mystic no longer has her head in the ethers. She now has feet on the ground! This line of communication spoke to me last night during our community conversation regarding intentional living. 

My body was “pulled” and wanted to speak. First it was to start the circle conversation with reverence for the larger picture—much more than our human interests. Then it was my foot that was pulled! What can I remember? The process is so spontaneous. I was talking about walking on sacred ground and my foot wanted to say more. The woman I was responding to said that she wasn’t there. Did that mean she couldn’t see the larger picture that included radiating/walking in love for Gaia? Another woman responded saying there are different levels of awareness in community. That experience was—what? An experiment? A Petri dish? A incubator? For me it was an expression of Love for Matter (Mother) that I Am, that Earth is.

Friend David is always so supportive and even gleeful in response to what I share. I am so grateful for male support. 

8 — Love Language

Turning within for feedback

A positive/negative loop 

Of Masculine/Feminine relationship

I receive these words




What loops within

Loops without 

Masculine lines / rays

Feminine lines / rays

Give and receive Light

Looping in




Let not your heart be troubled 

Love is in the air

Inhale / Exhale Love

Through Logic and Intuition

New Landscape

I’m finding myself less interested in online relationships and communication — “broken toy.” I’m appreciating relationships that are personal with lines or rays of Light bouncing off matter. Dynamic! Alive! Definitely more change, more living, more “scope.”

It’s that Braille system that pops up in the moment from underground. A different instinctual brain body. The nervous system activating anew.

Nerves of Steel

I’m different! I’ve changed! The past few days I’ve noticed that I have nerves of steel. Not hard steel but a malleable steel. As if there’s a protective layer around a vibrating core and tone of stillness. Is stillness creating this strong force in the nervous system? Getting that it has to do with posture, stature. Must be good juju running through the spine.

The past two days two songs have sprung forth from deep underground. One is a song from long, long ago that the sand on the beach sang to me:

Just Between You and Me

By the Chordettes, 1957

🎵 Sitting in the sand

Ba da da da dum

We were holding hands….🎵

The other is my medicine song that first sprang up near Mt Hood. 

I wonder what other treasures are deep underground. Sounds so Dragon!!

Bones Speak ~ Bones Sing 🎵

I focus on integration and celebrate this enlightenment (looks like Light pouring through cracks) that feels like “sacred geometry” in, around and through this 3D body. 

I experienced this wholeness/holiness twice last week with two different men. I met Bruce Lipton at his talk in Edmonds. His open hearted welcome and our exchange regarding children’s books put me in a new configuration of full on grounding with Light pouring through as body languages. It was a profound experience that included my bones! This skeletal response was free flowing and something I’ve been asking for/seeking/calling in for many years. I felt seen !!  Light to Light !!

The second experience of integration was with Robert Landis as we coordinated in our new roles for a Coherence Healing session. My “different” brain that is tuned in to the mystical had to ground and focus in logic and sequential communication. Robert was supportive, respectful and patient. This was more “holy ground” on which to stand. 

These male/female integrations through relationship create Heaven/Earth dynamics. They are more than creative potential. They are creativity in action. 

I was able to choose the song for our Coherence Healing session. My bones wanted us to dance reggae while appreciating the lyrics of Trevor Hall’s song Good Rain. Again, it’s the bones that provide structure so that we move and groove setting motion to music or setting music in motion. Looks like the bottom line is e-motion—energy in motion.