I am emotionally neutral. I am lukewarm, still. In this place I know that I want us to be friends and lovers. In this place I know the sacred work that’s been accomplished at every level. I am and I Am emotionally neutral.Â
The Full Form Of pH is the “Potential of Hydrogen.” The negative logarithm of the concentration of H+ ions is known as pH. As a result, the meaning of pH is defined as the strength or power of hydrogen. The concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, or pH, is a measure of the solution’s acidity or basicity.
The abbreviation pH stands for potential hydrogen, and it tells us how much hydrogen is in liquids—and how active the hydrogen ion is.
pH stands for “potential hydrogen” and measures the levels and activity levels of a substance’s hydrogen ions. More hydrogen ions lead to a lower pH value (or more acidic). Fewer hydrogen ions lead to a higher pH value (or more basic or alkaline).
The pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline — basic — something is. Your body works constantly to carefully control pH levels of blood and other fluids. The body’s pH balance is also called the acid-base or acid-alkaline balance. The right pH levels are needed for good health.
The physiological pH of the human body is essential for many processes necessary to life, including oxygen delivery to tissues, correct protein structure, and innumerable biochemical reactions that rely on the normal pH to be in equilibrium and complete.
Yesterday I had an urge to snack in between meals. The urge was cut off chemically. It didn’t fit my new matrix. I am learning to create and maintain pH balance. pH balance becomes normal and I intend to keep it that way by listening to my New Earth body.
How do nerves relate to pH balance?
When the nerve system is active, it releases lactic acid metabolically, and at high levels of activity, such as during intense exercise or epilepsy, this causes the pH in the nerve system to become more acidic.