Monthly Archive: June 2024

Body Speaks

More cues- in lunch line!

Mystical in the analytical

Analytical in the mystical

What does this mean?
Blood transfusion / Brain Body transfusion.

Morning meditation body kept convulsing to the left and downward. This was followed by several different kaleidoscope/mandala images. Makes me think of circulation and those alternating currents. Intuitive turns logical with information. Logical turns intuitive with inspirational breath work.

Negative Space

Words create negative space for mystical experience for those on the same frequency. Ask me / us how it feels. Ask us to tune in with a new mind. An integrated Mind. More than beta response of repetition. Sounds critical? Not my intention. My intention is moving into new territory.

I was in the blood thanks to words. I moved with blood as a catalyst. New integration between brain and heart opens new language and ways of doing. Being merges with Doing.

Finding language for this —-

Your Beautiful Heart 🎶

Doug asked if I used a wand for manifestation. He uses several external objects as sacred medicine. I told him I don’t use external objects. My wand is my right arm and hand. 

In GOLOV my right hand felt a calling, a pull, and lifted into action of giving (+) and receiving (-). I had never been so far, so deep, so wide. Definitely a new frequency that pinned me upward—opposite of Grim Reaper.

The image was that of an electrical current moving down a pole. I thought “lightning rod’ but the definition doesn’t fit. Maybe it’s Source current using matter, as a beacon. I wrote in my notes: 

“Cosmic eyes and ears are turned to Earth to witness charged frequency via hand and current electric.”

“Fulfill prophecy”

It took a lot of effort to get back into Beta brainwave after this…what…groundbreaking event.

Humans turn to externals when internal medicine is most natural and potent.

How are light and electricity related? What is Earth’s role?

I Am pH Balance

I am emotionally neutral. I am lukewarm, still. In this place I know that I want us to be friends and lovers. In this place I know the sacred work that’s been accomplished at every level. I am and I Am emotionally neutral. 


The Full Form Of pH is the “Potential of Hydrogen.” The negative logarithm of the concentration of H+ ions is known as pH. As a result, the meaning of pH is defined as the strength or power of hydrogen. The concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, or pH, is a measure of the solution’s acidity or basicity.

The abbreviation pH stands for potential hydrogen, and it tells us how much hydrogen is in liquids—and how active the hydrogen ion is.

pH stands for “potential hydrogen” and measures the levels and activity levels of a substance’s hydrogen ions. More hydrogen ions lead to a lower pH value (or more acidic). Fewer hydrogen ions lead to a higher pH value (or more basic or alkaline).

The pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline — basic — something is. Your body works constantly to carefully control pH levels of blood and other fluids. The body’s pH balance is also called the acid-base or acid-alkaline balance. The right pH levels are needed for good health.

The physiological pH of the human body is essential for many processes necessary to life, including oxygen delivery to tissues, correct protein structure, and innumerable biochemical reactions that rely on the normal pH to be in equilibrium and complete.

Yesterday I had an urge to snack in between meals. The urge was cut off chemically. It didn’t fit my new matrix. I am learning to create and maintain pH balance. pH balance becomes normal and I intend to keep it that way by listening to my New Earth body.

How do nerves relate to pH balance?

When the nerve system is active, it releases lactic acid metabolically, and at high levels of activity, such as during intense exercise or epilepsy, this causes the pH in the nerve system to become more acidic.

Biodynamic CoCreation

The root chakra is associated with procreation. Earth chakra is associated with co-creation and New Earth. I declare this as a breakthrough! Somewhere in Biblical Revelation this is mentioned.  

Google: Biodynamics is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition. It’s based on the work of philosopher and scientist Rudolf Steiner, who developed the concepts in 1924. Biodynamic practices are considered a practical application of a spiritual worldview that views the farm as a living organism in harmony with the universe. 


Pituitary, Chemistry, Nerves, Muscles. Language

This system that I Am played out yesterday as I was emotionally triggered.  An external stimuli touched a nerve and I felt a bolt of electricity move through my body jolting me into action that included words. This electrical fire circuit has been on the surface—embodied—lately. I watched it play out.

Observing the cause and effect of this drama I saw energy filtering downward through differentiated chakra wheels to black earth chakra. Pituitary chemicals are moving through with their Light and changing dark matter. 

I sensed the negative counter clockwise wheels getting a wake up call to shift into clockwise rhythm. Getting now that the wheels alternate!! in this motion of e-motion. This revelation in consciousness NOW in words is the effect (gift!) of going through the chaos, the upheaval. 

My nervous system is being transmuted thanks to consciousness—having space to see more space. Can Gaia use these same words? Is She going through this as well? She is actually thanking us humans who are consciously changing our chemistry. We have a direct effect on Her. We are in bio-dynamic (loving) relationship.

I’m starting to see/hear myself give myself “warning” signs. It’s as if I’m preparing my nerves ahead of time so I don’t have an emotional upset. I’m laying the ground. It’s a loving thing to do!

I had no idea I was holding all this dark emotion. And it’s more than personal. It’s collective “grief.”  It’s collective emotion suppressed to now decompress. 

Google: To decompress is either to reduce physical pressure on something or to unwind and relax after a long, hard day. 

As energy centers are adjusted and aligned with Light they move from dense dark to enlightened dark. Chakra wheels change in order to move with less wobble. 

Change of chemistry is change of color and sound. This all-inclusive frequency is New Earth. May S/He continue to rise. 

Gamma Sight ~ Chemistry in Colors

Never underestimate the demonic power of trickery in the psyche of personality. Exposing their hidden haunts in Light of consciousness is work of unconditional Love. 

Pure waters flow through matter bringing dark residue to the surface — to evolve. Such is alchemy. Such is turning lead to gold. Be worthy of this task. Be inspired in this task. 

The emotional part of Emotional Intelligence is liberated. Dark shadow changed and changing. Enlightenment. Eye and eyes see with gamma ray vision. 

The light we can see, made up of the individual colors of the rainbow, represents only a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other types of light include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays — all of which are imperceptible to human eyes.

Beyond red and violet are many other kinds of light our human eyes can’t see, much like there are sounds our ears can’t hear. On one end of the electromagnetic spectrum are radio waves, which have wavelengths billions of times longer than those of visible light. On the other end of the spectrum are gamma rays, with wavelengths billions of times smaller than those of visible light.

Scientists use different techniques with telescopes to isolate different types of light. For example, although our eyes cannot see ultraviolet light from a star, one way to perceive it is to let the star’s light pass through a filter on a telescope that removes all other kinds of light and fall on a special telescope camera sensitive to ultraviolet light.

The Bubble NebulaAs the surface of the Bubble Nebula’s shell expands outward, different gasses emit different colors: oxygen irradiated enough emits blue light in the bubble near the star, while the combined light of hydrogen and nitrogen form the pillars of yellow. Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) imaged the nebula in visible light with unprecedented clarity in February 2016. The colors — blue for oxygen, green for hydrogen and red for nitrogen — help astronomers understand the geometry and dynamics of this complex system

Fear Not

8:00 am    With my nanny kiddos a band of negativity lifted and I had a wider range of creative possibilities in thought/word/action. It was a New Earth! Looks like linkage in a system. 

10:30 am.   It’s freeing not to obsess about food knowing there are lines/boundaries—a schedule, timeline, for meals.

Feels like less fire, more earth.

12:30.   At kitchen sink. The disposal sounded clunky. I thought to put my hand inside to clear it. In came an image of a mangled bloody hand. Then thoughts turned to torture. It’s been like this for weeks. Dark images since Grim Reaper put in an appearance. I’m starting to wrap around this consciously. 

Dark current is receptive, feminine. Without protection of boundary lines destructive forces get in and wreak havoc. (Source documentary has an excellent image of this barrier.) I get to recognize and expose this out of balance alternating current that has a negative effect on humanity. I get to aerate underground, open space, and talk about it.

1:00. I thought about Shamanic healing.  An extraction. Meditation is healing extraction as Light radiates forth to receptors and to those receptive. Name the intention.

 I heard my voice sounding defensive. Is New Earth an echo chamber of the senses? I certainly have a lot of negative/dark threads getting my attention right now. My Light Body oversees this purification process. It’s simply time to see that which has been hidden/disguised and speak Truth.  

Dark and Light alternating currents have been in disharmony. It’s time to turn this around as Dark and Light rise together.

“Let not your Heart be troubled.”

Nervous System

It’s now time to build a conscious relationship with my Nervous System. A bridge invisible to visible. Fire spectrum. pH spectrum. Gut health. Fascinating !! Muscle has to enter the picture. Such an amazing body of systems just like Mother Gaia. We learn to heal/protect systems.

Grounding in Service !!

Abracadabra!  My Dragon pendant with a white Moonstone got my attention this morning so I wore it to Walking Meditation. It’s very unusual for me to wear something around my neck but now this pendant felt weightless. A wise woman at WM noticed it and excitedly said, “It’s beautiful and ancient.” “Where did you get it?” My response was that it came into my life years ago and now it’s going to the upcoming meditation retreat with me. News to me!

Soon after I offered to assist someone during WM. Soon after that I thought about a woman friend who I had identified as draining. Now, suddenly she wasn’t draining. 

I looked at this stream of consciousness and GOT that I Am in Service!  What a shift! Abracadabra! What a turn around in perspective, temperament, personality!  It was shockingly new. Where did it come from? I have no doubt that it came out of the dark phase I just moved through. A debris field. A black hole. Uncomfortable chaos.

The change feels like I now have grounding cords and feet. Grounding wires! I get to try this on and see how it fits. One thing is certain. When I think of people in my life and see them I can ground by thinking: I Am in service. This

way of seeing is liberating. It’s definitely another learning curve. One less dark—hallelujah!!

Google: What is the purpose of grounding?

Grounding is the process of connecting a conductor or an electrical device to the earth, effectively providing a safe and stable path for excess electricity to escape. This reduces the risk of electrical shock, electrocution, and fires caused by unexpected voltage spikes or short circuits.

STOP point during Walking Meditation.