Lines of Stress

Sleep is so restorative. I love sleep! Especially after 8 hour days handling two infants. It’s a physical workout. It’s amazing that I also spend this amount of time with the mom. Amazing how easy she is to be with. I think it’s the first job I’ve had with so much comfort. Thank you—to and for the cause of this effect!

I’ve been aware of two different lines of energy. One disruptive, the other smooth. I’ve watched this with one infant and now aware of it in my self and my relationship with food. Yes, there’s been an “entity” in the field. One causing negative stress that is unconscious reaction wrapped around nerve and muscle memory. To jolt the old pattern into a new design is what dis-ease and dis-harmony can do and does!

Emotional patterns of stress are different than physical patterns of stress. Is “happy” an emotion of stress? What color is stress? What color is ease? The answer comes in: “depends on Light.” So any dark color/emotion/action that is out of harmony can be smoothed out with an increase of Light.

It’s been an intense time (a year?) for me that is associated with the increase of Light moving through my brain/heart body. It’s as if the dark spots became louder and stronger as the Light increased. Resistance! For me food has given comfort. Comfort from what? Being different, not fitting in, not being seen or heard, not feeling loved. Food has been my “go to” for any emotional state—any stress. Emotion creates stress!  And that word can be made new as our emotional body is filled with Light of awareness.

The density of Earth amplifies stress since we all come from Stars of different light frequency. Our Lightwork is to integrate subtle with dense. To let new wiring wrap around Earth.

So I work to smooth out the lines. To let Light through Darkness so the two opposites can get to know each other in new ways. This work puts darkness in new Light. My body is ready for this new relationship with food that nourishes me rather than depletes me. It’s a restructuring of intelligence—emotional intelligence!

I’ve turned the tide of my obsessive relationship with food many times. Now to commit to long term with Now moments of consciousness—no longer unconscious. My body receives this love and care from me!

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