Monthly Archive: December 2022

Purple Matrix

Michael Meade’s Solstice Ritual was mesmerizing and gave new meaning to my dark night turning into morning Light. So grateful to hear the songs again, see the rhythmic body language as Sol/Soul expression and feel this global community holding its unique ray of Light. Thank you 💜


Purple/violet streaming from the eyes of those receiving healing. Transfused in purple. Blood transfusion. A “purple matrix.”


late Middle English (in the sense ‘womb’): from Latin, ‘breeding female’, later ‘womb’, from matermatr- ‘mother’.

This is that warp and weft shape shifting. Now I sense this is that bubble of swallowed air now in womb. A virgin birth.

Grounding Happened

I woke up

I woke up in a new sunrise. East. Darkness had passed and my heart was Light. I texted family and we communicated in Love. Love is omnipresent 💜

Today after Walking Meditation I was guided to speak up about my need for a space to offer energy healing. Min and Kristen supported this birthing, this grounding of Personal and Planetary Healing.

Change at Core

My stomach brought up a wave of human emotion. It had been a long time. This body tells me to make some changes. To no longer accept what is unacceptable. To no longer participate.

To be on Earth but not from Earth. To be born into a family that is not Family. To give birth to children I don’t know. What a tangled web. To find common pathways is the work. To find Family.

Dark and Light. Going out of phase. Coming into phase. Revolving around Sun core. Sun Light.

Violet Bubbles of Air

After a couple hours holding the babies their mom asked me a question and I said, “I don’t know, my mind is mush.” I realized that time in Delta brain wave with the babies causes me to be blank when shifting back to Beta. I also felt the lightness or fuzz-buzz in my brain and thought I might be able to brush this away as if stripping or brushing off the wires. I have no idea what this means but want to report the images/sensations. 


Breathing violet sparks. Ions. Oxygen. Happy chemicals. Isotopes. In the air. In the field. (Sound bites is my kind of language) Love is in the air. Inhale it. Exhale it. Dominion as an overarching violet beam. Violet rays emitting from my hand. Breathing in violet ribbons. Sitting on a green pillow reminding me of the poem I wrote years ago about flying through space sitting on a green balloon, thinking this flimsy thing will never hold me. But it did.

Drawing new lines on Earth. Sensual music. “ You know you want it.” What a turn off! A total break in the circuit. Who is this? That toxic intruder whose been showing up recently? That trickster. That fraud. He thinks he’s stalking me but I pick up his scent before he lands. He doesn’t change. I center in violet light. 

Swallowing violet bubbles while chatting with GOLOV friends. They taste airy. How do I know this sensation that’s in water? Where’d I do this? Gulping bubbles of air, now. (Gotta see Avatar: ThevWay of Water.) More mermaid than Dragon. “Good skill to have when we move underground” …or into new Earth. I keep doing this air bubble injesting. Oh, it’s cerebral spinal fluid that’s injesting me.

Violet, lavender, purple are various hues of red/root energy and blue/throat energy. Fun to learn from the reflecting colors. New teachers!

Was just reminded…my happy feet! Twice lately my feet sang too me of their total comfort walking in shoes on the ground. The comfort held stability and that new feeling of dominion.

Chaos today. My nerves held steady but I don’t want to be there. It’s too crazy. Something is going to give and break the spell. It will be a wake up call. Actually it’s already started. I don’t want to watch it. It’s sickening to my stomach.

I keep gulping air bubbles!! Throat chakra release in connection with lungs and breath? I had lessons in this type of breathing. It’s a different being. Maybe it’s the babies coming out of the womb and transitioning. Transfusing?

Jumping out of this rabbit hole. 💜


I’m encouraged to write this (I wanted to sleep) because it connects the dots. It unifies more parts of my ongoing Story.

Yesterday as I was holding Raina, the twin girl whom I nanny, I noticed once again how much she resembles my Arcturian Light Being Guide/Friend (similar to my Dragon Friend) who is inside and outside myself—wrap around that shape shifting!—as I see and sense “fractal” mirrors like revolving doors both in physical form and spiritual essence. Also like facets of a Crystal. The thought “crossed my mind” that I am holding Her (caps represent respect) child!

The color Violet has been in play with me for months. I use a violet heart as my signature on social media platforms. It just feels right which is opposite of creating a brand. I Am branded!

Last night during GOLOV I saw an overlay of violet color connecting the people I was radiating to in mind and through hands. Again this is strange to write about as I keep going blank. In this world, out of this world. How do I ground in this vibration?

A friend reminded me of the Indigo Children coming to Earth. Am I (I want to add “We” but am told to accept my personal power, to stand in this ray) holding the Violet Children of Earth? Those born in the Violet Ray?

Where to go with this? The Pituitary. The Pituitary holds Violet. It has direct contact with Source and receives/downloads its essence into Earth Body. The Pituitary holds a Feminine charge and engages (wraps around) with the positive Masculine Pineal. What color is this fusion? This transfusion of Love? Two currents crossing is one powerful flow!

I’m spending 20 hours a week interacting with the twin babies’ mom. I could not have done this months ago because of my need for solitude. It can be awkward in social settings as my mind goes blank at times and doesn’t bring up the right words. This happens in many settings. And so I remind myself how I’ve made great leaps in grounding in Earth. I can’t wrap my mind around all this so I simply live it out and write about it. I guess that is “the wrap.” Life is a chain of wraps. Take 999999999……. Dragon likes this #. Dragon fleet, Dragon waves. And don’t ask me to explain. After I’ve told the story.

Blood Activation, Quantum Activation

Download at 1:37 am. I wake up to “happy.” I am happy. Why? I’m doing what makes me happy. It’s a baptism in blood. Its a flow. It’s being part of a family that shares this flow. It’s One heart and mind. Ah-Ha, it’s Dragon blood! New Body. New Earth. New DNA. Gives sense to it all. More happy! I Am a chemical. I Am Light! What is Light chemical / chemistry? It’s a circle! Thank you, Family of Lineage Light Beams. Light beams around us, through us, from us. I Am a Light Beam. Alive in my skin! New identity. New clothing.

A Blood Family activated by Light. Blood pouring through chakras, glands, tissues, cells, atoms….. pineal and pituitary lead the way of activation on Earth. Happy Heart. Happy Body. Dragon 🐉

Almost forgot: Every time I (Body) was “turned to mush”, every time I (Body) got lost in inner darkness I was being baptized in blood and by blood.

Interesting that I am most clear in my personal body when I am with my meditation Community. There’s a clarity and purity present personally and collectively revolving around Truth. Christ Consciousness born on Earth. Not again. Not a rebirth. A New Birth 🌈🔆

Love is blood red.

Can I get some sleep? No. Now my hand is at the top of my head (crown chakra) feeling a pulsating current. Download of Energy, of Spirit. Into matter’s blood— “a lifeline.” A beam of Light. Was I not just talking about Light Beams? It’s a lot of wires crossing. My role is to see the whole, feed the whole, nurture the whole that includes parts and particles. This flow is new intelligence.

Clarification from on High. Not “my” role. Our role. As if there is no more left and right brain hemispheres. As if they’ve merged—in mush?

Goddess Now

I read Mists of Avalon many years ago and was fascinated by the Goddess worship and it’s sacred sexual rites that were performed by the priests, priestesses, and devotees. These Temple rites were impersonal and dedicated solely to Goddess. Some of us, in this lifetime, acted out those roles of priest, priestess and devotee as well as those who were slaughtered practitioners and those who did the slaughtering of our Goddess religion. This karmic layer of his/herstory comes up to be healed as we move into a New Earth.

My telepathic (out of body) relationships with men over the past 22 years have revolved around Goddess worship with its Garden of spiritual focus and creativity. This has been challenging for me as it denied my 3-D emotional body. I wanted more. Today I say that Goddess wants more—more roundness, more balance, more Spirit and more Flesh that is higher and fuller in creative expression.

A recent Tantra experience was very intense and knocked me out of orbit leaving me with the strong feeling that as blissful as it was at the time I don’t want to do that again. It wasn’t well rounded. The Fire left me empty and flat—burned out. I can’t breathe this way. It’s time to bring in new Goddess worship that is a spectrum of well-rounded color. The totality of this is Love. A living panorama. 

We bring up old layers of Earth with its past and present relationships—as energy in motion—that are ready to be cleared and made new in space and time Now. This healing is for all time and space. It’s an honor to evolve and walk through a new door. Dragon comes in flying high along with goosebumps down my arms. Yes, S/He has been present through it all. Dragon takes a bow!! So much personality—so much color 🌈

Power Grid

Yesterday during CoHeal at the WM retreat my body was moving in waves. At one point it was so intense that my knees buckled as energy moved downward. Energy and matter meet and body learns to receive the power “through the grid.” Which is more of that looping fabric.

Quantum Fabric

Woke up with the awareness that the energy fabric at the WM retreat and party was like an open tube or had open tubing. Not the N/S tube that we use in meditation breath work but a tube with E/W looping loops making the whole fabric breathable. ➿➿➿

What made the event breathable? I noted late last night after getting home that I had no self-judgement or judgment of others the entire time! Loved poured forth freely. And this morning I realize that there was a lot of hugging going on. This grounding is Love moving through matter. 

This lead to the term “weft”  that I remember from basket making. 

“Warp and weft are the two basic components used in weaving to turn thread or yarn into fabric. The lengthwise or longitudinal warp yarns are held stationary in tension on a frame or loom while the transverse weft (sometimes woof) is drawn through and inserted over and under the warp.”

Does this not sound Quantum?

The yellow yarn is the pile, the vertical the warp, and the horizontal the weft.


Spirit (N/S) and Matter (E/W)

Grounded Developments

Seattle Walking Meditation Retreat and Dance Party

CoHealing session generated a crown from those of us standing in the room. Not a crown of crucifixion but a crown of descension. 👑👑 Representing Christ Consciousness. Reminding me that a woman friend had a vision during walking meditation of being the one in the manger. More embodiment of Christ Consciousness.

Guides pushed me today to act on impulse. One was/is to post a two-way creative conversation with Kennie that felt like being an arrow on a bow string and knowing my target. There’s a free-flow in my feedback loop with him so I want to expand it.  I learned that a YouTube channel is a good way to go. This community offers support needed. Will see how it unfolds! There are others I want to dialogue with.

I didn’t recognize myself today. I didn’t get tired of being with people and felt comfortable in my skin. Amazing what Love can do once grounded!