Monthly Archive: October 2022

Dark Eyes Communicating

CoHeal. I never got past outer ear hearing of words. Space didn’t open to inner sensing, * music. I don’t know why. It felt good to listen to others and be supportive.

Two dark eyes glaring in the night. I know those eyes! Saying, “Back off.” With less emotion and more logic I can support that. This reminds me of salmon trapped by walls in a dam. I am not trapped and have a range of choices that follow pattern alignment.

Seems I have a head-light! Guiding. Seeing. Knowing moment by moment. It breaks up chaos, confusion, turmoil in this realm. It creates order, peace. It feels triangular, pouring Light down on me and out from me. I continue to learn to Trust this Light in my inner and outer life. 

My life journey has been so self-absorbed. So focused within. I had a glimpse of this shifting to outward focus—to people and dogs! The other day on the sidewalk at work I met a large fluffy, white dog named Betty. She kept looking at me as she walked by and then looked longingly back at me after she passed with those those dark eyes! Okay, that did it! I spoke up and asked the owner her name. It was an instant love connection and I can never again say that I’m not a dog person. She changed my heart! And the male owner said “thank you” when we said our good byes. Remarkable!

Life in a Triangle feels simple. Mental-emotion can change that in a flicker so I work to stay out of that limited state. It’s a Now by Now simplicity of Flow as I give thanks for new maturity in Body.

I almost forgot! (A Michael Tellinger video about sound resonance reminded me.) Lungs! The lungs need recognition for their part in the design. Air/Oxygen/Spirit inhaling-exhaling carries Light photon crystals and moves me! It moves my body with Trance particles. The lungs and brain-heart work together! I see you, Lungs—thank you!!

Spaced Out !!

What a powerful GOLOV meditation. At the end the top of my head was pinned/anchored way out in space while my body was limp. I observed but couldn’t return. When I did return in body my temples felt stretched with pressure but that was it. I’m calling this a smooth landing!

I invite my Light Lineage in when I radiate through hands to heal. Doing so today I saw E/W waves that came together rising at center. When I looked at the healees I saw N/S waves coming together and expanding at center.

The images and words on paper from GOLOV convey to me that E/S/W/N represents the whole brain. In New Earth this is the crucifix Body. 


Untangling threads this early morning is going down that rabbit hole. And in that dark churning space a John Denver song comes through loud and clear: I Guess He’d Rather Be in Colorado. What? Why? The date of his death is October 12, 1997! I  connected with him spiritually that day. I wrote about it in some blog somewhere. Now, I assisted in white Light freeing of his Spirit from gravitational (*emotional) traps that keep one stuck.

I felt trapped with my granddaughter yesterday. Who was this soon-to-be-teenager? She wasn’t that same carefree hugging girl. The silence in the hour drive to take her home was loud. I observed myself and the situation. I observed feeling trapped inside my turtle shell where it’s also a comfortable retreat and separation. I felt responsible for the silence but didn’t know how to break it. So I let it be. Then at the gas station a few miles from her home words came through! My body gave me words in the form of questions! Amazing!

I feel trapped in relationship to the Joe Dispenza website. Why the intimidation? Why the resistance that feels like a trap? I begin to think it’s not me or my brain but some other intentional force that wants to keep hearts separate. But just like with my daughter I’m now speaking out and asking questions. How do I do this? How do I get in? I know how to get out of my shell! *and I know how to break spells.

In certain situations I find myself asking, “What would a human do?” I don’t always know but it looks like my body knows.

This early morning blogging has me sleeping in and missing meditations. Today is Alberto at 11:00 and GOLOV at 5:00. Life is full! Life is meditation—an inward focus.

Turtle’s Circle of Life

Turtle’s Circle of Life had a few people in attendance. People in 3-D don’t respond like Beings in other dimensions cuz I associate more there than here. The small number of people did allow them to have quality conversations about their E/S/W/N stories.

From volunteer Leanne:

“Thank you so much Trish for the sage and gorgeous & good smelling candle! It goes perfect in my mermaid bathroom.🧜‍♂️

I thought today went so well. Just the right amount of people so we could all share. I felt a good connection with everyone and wonderful energy in the room. And your heart leads the turtle 🐢 journey so beautifully! 🐢💚🐢💚”

New Behavior

I did it! I broke an old pattern of letting emotion be the loudest voice. Instead I listened to logic! This is wisdom! To slow my fire down enough to listen and learn is new behavior! Not that my choices were negative, they’ve revolved around including others. There has been a price to pay, however, and that has been my composure, my balance. I re-member this new behavior and practice it!


Preparing for my Turtle’s Circle of Life event on Saturday I’m considering how to open the circle and keep returning to the native peoples who lived on this land before us (Snoqualmie, Sammamish, Duwamish). I will honor them, the Four Directions, Mother Earth and Father Sky with drumming. I will honor drum’s beat as the heart beat of Gaia—*the song that sings to all Creation. Rather, I’m to say * that sings Creation. * represents inspired as in being breathed into me.

Interesting how stalker/hacker has been blocking communications this week on computer, phone (daughter witnessed it) and GPS. He must be in town. I sensed the need (actually I was pulled) to drive to the meeting site in Issaquah so I would know where it was located. My GPS was scrambled so I used a different system to find the address. At the site I unexpectedly ran into Scott (who is also presenting) and we discussed the event. It was perfect timing as I needed a better sense of the space and flow.

What struck me about this experience today was how one man interferes with my rhythmic tracks (he is a world renowned Tracker) and how a Creative Force adds to my rhythmic Track. By connecting with Scott I again received what I had been seeking—the room layout. 

This conscious tracking conveys the insignificance of ego antics and the significance of synchronization of Flow by being in Flow. So, who is tracking who? Creator!!

Copy That

Creator, Energy, Light needs Earth, Matter, Body to ground, expand, manifest — to be creative and express creation.

My physical, linear brain is hurting lately from too much incoming stimulus, too much data. I live life with my whole body rather than think it with a linear brain. This non-linear brain processes organically. And with that is composting by letting life get dark, moist and changing in the underworld. This process is Circular and Feminine.

I was on Dr. Joe’s website looking for a specific event and was amazed at the many articles available. Where to begin? It’s a treasure chest of gems and Dragons love gems. My brain, however, can’t digest it. Currently, my brain hurts in response to seeing all the data. I don’t even want to be on the internet having to read something to relate. Relationship is in a new living and breathing dimension.

To ingest, digest and then put it into practice through living expression includes linear and non-linear.

My brain hurts again. I’m hitting against something and am in process of discovery. It will integrate as it’s done so very many times. Oh! the website experience was very masculine with words without the dance of Feminine expression of Emotion. I get to dance it through this body—dance step by dance step. This post is one of those steps. And the brain pressure evens out a bit. 

So, the brain uses the body just like Creator. Heart would also use the body for creative expression. So, the parts are in agreement: Brain, Heart, Body dance In the moment Now. I’m getting confirmation from Light Lineage as they communicate: “Copy that.” This seventh sense of humor lifts the pressure.