Monthly Archive: June 2022

Turning Tide

How to be of service in this realm beyond nannying? I think about offering trance sessions with individuals and without Mary. How do I manage this? I do this by moving from wave to particle. I can be in this 3-D realm and dialogue with humans and then turn to Quantum Masters to listen and then let them speak. I do this in my own life so why not do this with and for others?

I’m working the Turn to let more Light in and through this 3-D realm. When my field is full to overflowing it will shift into new form. It’s in process, it’s in motion as the Great Turning of Alchemy.

I’m happy that Dragons are flying in new terrain with the omnipresent Elements. Another learning curve.

Quantum Lineage

Just had a trance session with Mary to check in with my Quantum Lineage and ask about doing trance sessions for the larger community. The support that came through was substantial thanks to Arcturian, Jesus and Angels Michael and Gabrielle. Mary and I were both astounded by the fullness we co-created. Ot was quite bonding!

Alchemy in Motion / Dragon Dance

The most loving thing a conscious/Quantum male/female can do for a conscious/Quantum female/male is to allow each another space to move through emotional patterns that include the dark unknown—chaotic yet creatively orderly.

S/He learns to fly through alchemical Dark and Light — lovingly.

Dragon re-union is an intense time past, present and future. Quantum circulation.

Quantum Stress

I spontaneously (same as instinctual?) thought and wrote these words in response to Dr. Joe’s YouTube called Quit the Stress and Reach Your Potential:

Quantum Consciousness uses stress to polish the gem body by keeping it changing, evolving, brightening. Quantum Consciousness works with elements of water, air, earth, fire. Energy and matter are One alchemical process.

Looks like I’m downloading from Quantum lineage that backs up my new business card—and body! I’m starting strength training thanks to a guy who is a Joe student and am so happy to have conscious men (looking and moving in the same upward direction) in my 3-D orbit. Why ”orbit?” I wanted to say ”angle.” Are they the same motion of e-motion? The same shape and sound? (waves?) My logical mind is allowing Dragon Speak to speak even though he doesn’t get it/wrap around it. That’s logic’s resilience (the opposite of stress) as I see waves undulating—as in S/He dance!


I’ve been listening and watching for what I can offer in this realm—how I can be of service. I’ve been stirring the cauldron and this is the outcome. A business card to give to people:

Dragon Speak / Quantum Healing
”turning lead to gold”

I will apply my gifts as Seer, Mystic, Shaman, Author. 

Dragon Blood

A new WM friend rode with me to brunch and I offered her some Zum Dragon Blood salve that I keep in my car. She commented that she used to clear houses of negative energies by using Dragon Blood incense. I will order some!

I met Kenny at the brunch who has a gym and is a physical trainer. We talked about my workouts at home and going to the gym. He mentioned a Dragon Qigong exercise on YouTube with Brother Insight. At the end of brunch seven of us did the Dragon movements that look and feel like flight

Dragon is Quantum and Particle. The scales, the cells, shimmer through Radiation and Reflection.

Chakra Triangulation

Walking Meditation’s chakra centers kept triangulating in mind’s Eye. What were they communicating with > on top of  >? Why did they reach out to a point and then re-turn? What pulled on them to move outward? The Light Quantum Body!  What pulled on them to move inward? The Dense Particle Body!

The upper line or path of > is radiation; the lower one is reflection that holds shadow creating a yin/yang spiral down and up our body. The spin or turn happens at each chakra as the (+) and (-) forces take turns steering the ship. Opposites co-operating!

“Chakras move clockwise and spin the energy out of our body into the space around us and they spin counterclockwise to pull energy from our external world (and from the people in it) towards us. The frequency of our chakric vibrations determines the direction of our energy flow as they either draw energy into our body or release it outward. The condition of the Chakric System influences our lives to be in or out of balance on a daily basis.” —

Cellular Bonding

Cells are bonded in Light and take on new form and function as they move through a bumpy debris field that brings more Light to more cells.

In my Turtle book Father Sun says to Turtle: “No matter how dark it gets my Light will always be with you.”

A cell consists of three parts: the cell membrane, the nucleus, and, between the two, the cytoplasm. Within the cytoplasm lie intricate arrangements of fine fibers and hundreds or even thousands of miniscule but distinct structures called organelles.


That Cosmic/Quantum Crystal Light Ray is a sword of extraction cutting cords of shadow personalities associated with each chakra. (I heard Dr. Joe say in a recent video that each chakra has their own brain, chemistry, etc. Good information.) 

Food cravings are raging resisting change. I realize that lust for food is similar to lust for sex and power. The chakras are in process of reset to align with this new Light coming through from above as well as from below—as I experienced in GOLOV on Thursday.

I’m learning to sit in the fire/fear to face the many chakra personalities resisting change. This requires being present to receive at a fine apex point frequency. (This new music is rattling old haunts, bringing up ghosts and goblins.) My conscious friends and communities assist the reset by providing nourishing/enlightening environments—music that harmonizes. I’m thriving as I change. Rainbow Serpent appears! “Alchemy” in motion.

Another street fair day. I continue to reach out as Light continues to reach in. In (North), up (South), and out—East and West. The dynamic revolving Circle of Life! Ah-ha! Alchemy is circular—stir that cauldron! Left or right? I ask and the answer is near.