More Integration

Sleep is luscious. Waking up to Love even more so.

This Progressive retreat was well-rounded integrating masculine and feminine energies. There was diversity of colors, sounds, feelings, teachings, images. As Joe was on stage saying goodbye to his audience of 3,000 people I saw an invisible line connecting us. Then I saw a line moving from him upward at an angle. I sensed a triangle but didn’t see or sense the same angular line on the other side moving down toward me. Not sure what this meant. Maybe it’s invisible space to be filled in. Maybe it’s anchoring Presence yet to be filled in.

The pineal breathing experiences were moving! I let cerebral spinal fluid move me. I listen to it, my body listens to it. It’s a song we dance to. This substance of chakra activation has a circuit (this time orgasmic as inner waves and outer music touched chakra nodes creating sexual effect) that activates and then rests in stillness. This reminds me of being in my light body more than my physical body for so many years. It’s why I wrote, “Who needs physical sex when you have cerebral spinal fluid as a partner.” However, my interest in building muscle through exercise (E) means I have to get more physical!

Questions: What is the substance of kundalini, CSF, and this new mist? Is this new mist the “holy spiritual”as in activation? Where do photons come into play? How do they move through matter? What does that look like? What is their relationship to body? Are all these substances photonic — of Light. Are energy and light the same substance? My left brain is on a roll! He’s so sexy!

I’m noticing how living foods with Light substance (presence) builds the same substance in my body whereas sweets detract, deplete life. So, I’m supporting my physical body with Light. Body now signals me to under eat rather than over eat. It’s a new experience in thought, feeling, behavior. Less fear is more Light.

The next meditation expanded from the first. I didn’t have time to take notes nor did I make time. I do remember some images and feelings. The mist moved me down to the lower crown chakra. Earth’s second sun. I moved out to the planet on one side and realized there’s an East and West so I used my hands to define this space. There was resistance so I moved my hands with more intention to stir up, to wake up, matter. Substance began to flow. Light moved through and I held all the Solar planets, the planetary family, in hands of Love. This whole felt like a hologram because I was seeing it with Eye of nonlinear dimension and eyes of 3-D dimension. This made me sooo happy 🎶🎶🎶

Joe talked about a substance that was buoyant. The substance of space. I didn’t write his word. This meditation journey was created on/in that substance. The language of Science and Mysticism cross paths and something new is born.

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