Denver Creation #1

Wow! So much happened at this meditation retreat. Glad I have nothing scheduled so I can write.

Integration #9 is the first meditation.

Misty presence is celestial substance. I write “misty carrier” as Joe had mentioned “carrier waves.” Scientific words are having an effect on my body as a current of energy flows downward activating lower chakras. It feels like a sensual turn on. Now as I write my body is experiencing the same activation in response to scientific words and a graph. Definitely a new relationship between my left brain and body. It must be new wiring. It has an electrical quality. Definitely charged. This learning/receiving of new information is inspiring/charging my body! I learn through experience of body — consciousness! No body no consciousness!

In this meditation the dancing mist is at and around my crown chakra. I draw it as nodes in a circle. I direct it downward through body with healing as my intention and Earth’s core as the destination. I travel downward through layers of emotions and I focus on forgiveness and love. I travel down through human civilizations, (Atlantis, Lemuria), ores, crystals, ETs, dinosaurs, dragons, trees. It’s a downward spiraling of strands. I reach the bottom (difficult to write with charged particles and waves coming in and moving as Love! This contact between energy and matter is life affirming) Before this meditation I had a vision of a black mass with an outstretched arm or tentacle. I offered it love. Not sure what it is/was. Maybe the injustices to Mother Earth and why forgiveness came in.

Earth core is a fire circle with angels as nodes wing to wing (looks like a flower). I settle here and then the misty substance shoots outward in the same spiraling threads touching a planet!

What an experience of electricity and magnetism. What a story of creation! If thoughts are electric and feelings are magnetic then the body is electromagnetic. And this is the substance of space between matter. This is the flowing current of Love.

The feeling of this meditation or shamanic journey was “breakthrough, celebration, celestial, planetary activation. Global Heart Brain to Galactic Heart Brain, a Presence journey, gratitude is receiving, love is giving. Matter is learning more through evolution. It’s a sexual experience of union. Which reminds me that I activated my throat chakra in a straight forward, gutsy way without concern about results. That misty presence of peace and love must move into creation.

On Sunday the last day of the retreat I noticed how I was touching people more and was reminded this happens at all these retreats. Energy builds electromagnetically and its natural path of creation is to ground matter to matter. After the next meditation, even more expansive, I found my body wanting to put my head on people’s shoulders. My body needed grounding. I often do this myself by touching neck, face. The top of my head especially needed this. So much to learn about this Love Force.

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