New Orbit ~ New Ministry

My inner ministry shifts into outer ministry. Newness within a personal orbit meets an expanded orbit that includes the unconscious, subconscious, conscious and superconscious or cosmic conscious. It’s as if all orbits revolve around the same sun and each part is starting to dance to the Light beam beat and rhythm.

For me personally I’m now focusing on mainstream personalities and being a cheerleader for Light. This means I’m watching mainstream news and cheering on the personalities that are making his/herstory. Can strangers feel/receive my energy at unconscious and subconscious levels? I don’t know. All I know is that I seem to have a new ministry Spirit to Spirit. Inner work and service of self/Self shifts outward. How do I know all this? It’s in this feeling of Freedom and Expansion. My spiritual Light work has been done in the dark within and now I see it as in the dark outer world.

This means I Am meditation. My brain is in those frequencies. This means I’m engaging differently. My head Light guides me and I don’t get attached to anything because it’s all revolving and transfiguring. It’s quite fun—enlightening. What’s around the corner? Light knows. I follow. Such is “ministry!”

(This response was inspired by a Joe Dispenza YouTube video called The Power of Receiving Healing.)

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