Monthly Archive: February 2022

Vortex = Creative Creation

Crystal wave experience reminded me of the pineal and pituitary glands and I sensed that their relationship creates a vortex (as well as the sacred marriage as written in S/He Dragon). This vortex opens/receives upward and gives/transmits downward as in X and ☯️.

Crystal frequency aligns parts in (creative) Earth and (creation) Heaven. Thus, our New Earth.

Vortex/eddy – a circular movement of water, counter to a main current, causing a small whirlpool.

Looking at images I see/get that the pituitary is a vortex of energy and so is the pineal. Together they create a larger vortex as an “amplifier.”

Publishing in Process

My publisher just sent me this message as he encourages me to include my photo and bio in the book.

I think your background gives lots of credibility to the story and makes it more “real.” It’s not just a fairy tale pulled out of someone’s head during some “aha” moment. Your story is a gift from your world to ours, and hopefully it is all really the same world. I don’t know your story, or the turtle’s story, but all this will help me and anyone who reads this a more complete and informed human.
I’m proud to be working on your book. I hope you have more.
Warm regards,Clark

To be seen and heard in this world is such a gift !!

Turtle’s Circle of Life is my personal story that finds me in the North being a voice of Love for Turtle Island.


Busy mind at 2:00 AM. Now it’s 3:45. I write in response to the inner chatter that has a theme of “why”?

Why did I get bored with GOLOV and start to write haiku and draw? Why could I not engage with chit-chat at drum circle? Why the negative observations of people? Why were short YouTube meditations so resonant? Why am I continuing to be engaged with mindful eating?

Negatives and positives are like revolving doors and revolving doors are like mirrors reflecting images, thoughts, feelings. How much is mine? How much is not mine? Where are the boundaries within myself and with others? What is reality?

I wrap it up and release it. I don’t know why until I know! Questions help the process of unraveling Truth in order to set new intention, new pathways, new actions. Harmony is the target. How do I aim? I used to enjoy archery. Hello Sagittarius, the archer. Busy mind!

Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign.

Sagittarius, the half human and half horse, is the centaur of mythology, the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven. Also known as the Archer, Sagittarius is represented by the symbol of a bow and arrow.

Cupid? Happy Valentine’s Day !!

Power Up Systems

Lots of nasal pressure during and after GOLOV. Feels like I’m wearing glasses. In this image it looks like nasal cavities are gateways to the spinal cord. Is this the respiratory system? Yes! Why is this not the circulatory system? Why are they separate? Different organs? Different chakra wheels? Different wires?

One ocean, many tributaries. A closed and open system?

Rudder Support

My mind can go negative and think of relationship conflicts. I’ve observed this twice recently. An immediate response came in both times: “your work [as a team] is a rudder that keeps you moving forward” rather than getting bogged down. This is the difference between old and new relationship. It’s freeing to be in a spiritual and conscious relationship. Old Infrastructure wiring is deleted.

Live Wire of Body Temple

I’m rambling here because my brain is a bit scrambled with new energy.

“Temple” was incoming — not my usual word. Incoming from where? From Spirit. That is such an inclusive word. Spirit breathes life into matter. Light, Energy, Spirit as One flowing current. Wiring changes to conduct harmonious flow.

I woke up around 4:00 am with an image of a sheath loop or capsule around my physical body and the thought that I’m a live wire that needs this coating. Do images ignite thought or does thought ignite images? It’s a question I’m asking about emotion and thought that seem to be more unified. And how do images fit into the relationship of thought, feelings and words? Does emotion conjure up image? Does thought? The wiring is complex and has me perplexed. Maybe it’s more fusion than separation? Fused wiring? (Reminds me of recent thoughts/feelings about closed and open systems. Is brain/body wiring both an open and closed system?).

This Trish analysis is linear — why do I keep saying that I’m non-linear, not logical? Because this is different logic. It’s inside out. For me, it’s nourishing and meaningful— full of purpose.

I’m in my body in a new way. My thoughts are crossed with my feelings and my feelings are crossed with my thoughts. Like spliced wiring.

My body needs new reigns. I’m reigning in old behavior patterns and I feel victorious. I will keep moving into new dry land. Evolution happens!

I want to stop being such a live wire on GOLOV. Spirit moves me and I’m full of energy. I need a “valve” — that’s comical. To let off steam. This probably means my resistance to breathing techniques is exactly what I need. However, it’s the opposite of building energy. I need to learn to release it more evenly. How does one monitor joy? How to dish it out, deliver it, differently? So many things to learn in this new body of wires/nerves.

The “casing” has my attention.

I read the definition of live wires as an energetic person, a fire ball.

Different types of casing and capping wiring

There are four types of casing and capping wiring.

This reminds me of breathing techniques. I wonder how I will respond to this new fullness of energy and it’s body — my body. My answer is to observe and listen within. There is more space to do so.

That’s comical. Meditation with Joe usually includes “space”. Time to meditate. I had to release this so that I am now an “empty vessel”. Lots of channeling going on here !!

Reading this entire blog I see that I can be spontaneous here and write words as they come in—at the speed of Light. When I’m with people it’s not polite to do this. Timing of delivery is a skill to learn. It’s slowing down the e-motion of Light !!

Turtle Shift

New engagement. New cycle.

Turtle’s Circle of Life is starting to roll as I reach out to people and get some traction to move forward. Why am I more enthused about promoting Turtle than Dragon right now? The creation story is simple and I love speaking it. The mapping/mandala art can be created by anyone at any age. I’m surprised that I want to do this on Zoom as well as in person. Also thinking about it as a healing tool to share with clients.

This creative process has a life of its own and grows this way and that as I observe as well as create. Ah-Ha — a co-creative relationship within myself and outward in the world.

Now I get to shift gears and be active — in service!

Dream of Man in Dream

Dream: I notice a man standing in a depression across the street. He greets me, walks up the slight incline saying “Hi, I’m Tom.” He looks familiar and I say that I’ve seen him before. I consider where I know him and say, “Maybe in my dreams.” Then he raises his right hand and gives me the Star Trek hand gesture. In my dream I think it’s weird. Waking up I realize I dreamed about a dream. Or something like that…. Getting “mirror,” a house of mirrors. He has short reddish hair, wears a suit.” He still looks familiar—in this dimension. Reminds me of Balboa my whole health spirit guide. What an odd association of wiring!!

Remember another dream frame: In a parade of people and I make my way back to say goodbye to Burnie—a past employer. All this dreaming (sleeping in effects) reminded me of my friend Carole’s dream about me:

Hi Trish – in my before waking dream this morning you were in it and a man that I don’t know. We were on a tour of archaeological anomalies or sites but compacted into like a museum tour. We were underground and each exhibit was in its own room and each room had its own host to describe what was in that room. The one thing I remember about you is that I don’t know if it was your phone or you had some device that played music and you played a different song for each room that you visited. And I say that because in one room you asked us to wait because you didn’t want a song to repeat and you wanted to find the right song for the room.

In Space, In Body

It’s always fun to see what meditation has to bring forth and how my brain scrambles to unscramble the codes and images. Today’s Guided Morning Meditation was short, 12:24. “In Space” gives me space to See. I saw a wave representing Angels, Light Beings, Teachers, people, Nature, Power Animals. As if my life was a wave. I pulled this wave together in Love and sent it out in unified Love. Watching this unfold it felt like something one would do before death as a gift of gratitude to those waves that have created my life through relationship. Sounds shamanic. A shamanic act.

“I don’t do shamanism. Shamanism does me.” This was my response years ago when someone asked how to be a Shaman. Like all things Spiritual this isn’t a technique, it’s a way of Being. You are in Flow and learn from Flow. You are carried on its wings. In the way this wave was carried “In Space” this morning.

Changes in body. Been feeling it in the solar plexus and below as a lightness. Am I hungry? No. Food has and does ground me. Brain doesn’t know how to translate this new feeling into action. It’s a new space. Is it spiritual? Is it physical? Ah Ha! “It’s a wave!” What does this mean?

Doing my morning Facebook “thing” I see photos of huge crystals from a gallery in Arizona. A friend is touring there. I can’t respond with delight. My thoughts and seeing goes to Gaia and how these gems are her sacred—and musical—body and not for the greed of human ego consumption. The gallery looks like a zoo with life put in a cage. Not sure I can say this to my Drum Circle friends.

Flow Consciousness

Flow consciousness is not dependent on anything external. One can flow while washing dishes. It’s an inner adjustment of gears or lens. I have a lot of space for flow in my life. It’s luxurious. Not sure I want to add more responsibility with a book, outreach and classes. The only way that can work is to be in flow. What degree of temperature is flow? Flow is a way of Being snd not a technique. How to describe that? Teach that?

My soul/sol partner is changing signals. Less heat. More lukewarm. How does that make me feel? Lukewarm. I wonder if the effect (back to cause and effect) will be that I generate more heat. The relationship/connection isn’t dependent on degrees of temperature. He’s a North Star that I revolve around. That sounds dependent, no, it sounds bonding with more freedom of expression, more range of e-motion.