Living Words

I learned a lot yesterday by having conversations with loved ones. A dear friend opened her heart sharing that she lacked joy and wanted to know why. Her question revealed two words that came to her from out of the blue: Soul Retrieval. So she is reading books to learn more and is listening to her dreams. She may start a Dream Circle Meetup. This is a perfect example of how darkness in our lives is used as fertile soil for creativity. And that creativity is healing as parts once missing become integrated. She asked that I check in on her to help her stay on path. This is an example of the new open hearted friendships in my life. It means a lot to me after being alone for so many years—not alone internally but alone in this world. To now have soul to soul conversations is meaningful because it’s creative and this has healing effects.

During GOLOV it’s now the conversations that hold inspiration and Ah-Ha moments. What once happened internally in mystical realms is now happening through words of communication. It’s as if something shifted—a grounding in brains, hearts and bodies.

Yesterday during GOLOV conversation I heard myself say that gratitude prevents out of balance tipping which seems to be what so many of us are moving through. It was interesting when I received the “momentum” to express gratitude for Dr. Joe. This came in from my upper right field as energy that wanted to give birth through words. It wasn’t mental or emotional it was inspired. Maybe it’s mystical communication. I now see red blood, as Love, circulating through a system.

Soul Retrieval is in process at a new level and in a new system that includes humans, Mother Earth and Cosmic space. The parts and the whole are being reborn in New Earth. I know and speak of it because I’m experiencing it. We continue to focus on integration in the darkness of disintegration. The tipping point of dark expansion is now turning as contraction.

Darkness is the signature of this realm of duality. Light is the Force behind it all, turning it all. Light is the Music of the spheres. May cells of matter continue to open to Light. And that, my friends, is a happier, more joyful people, planet and Cosmos. That, my friends, is as Feminine in creativity as it is Masculine In technicality. Blessed Balance 💙

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