
Felt an energetic disconnect yesterday that, once again, had me thinking, “What did I do?” This line of thought started as a child with parents who were more serious than joyful, more silent than expressive of feelings. It continued in relationship with two husbands who did not express feelings and then in telepathic relationships with no communication in 3D reality. Telepathic experience can be so illusive that one cannot be certain if the disconnect actually happened. What does one do in such a nebulous experience? I let it go. I detach. I no longer dwell in this old thinking pattern. Rather I seek Truth: disconnects in relationship weaken the bond. What is a bond? Is it subatomic particles that I heard about in a Dr. Joe talk this morning?

I have been drawn to meditating with my local (connected to global) CE-5 Washington group on Zoom which means I let go of Thursday GOLOV meditations. Tonight I will have that experience. I notice that I’m wanting more local and grounded relationships. Thus the walking meditations on Sundays. This outer “bonding” is a reflection of inner boding that has been in process since Angel Michael visited at age 25. I saw a video illustration that identified Angels with each chakra. Angel Michael was identified at the neck/throat chakra! Bingo! The snap at the back of my neck and three days of paralysis was definitely brain and life altering. And Michael is still with me—bonded! Which has me thinking: What if each incarnation is focused in/on a different chakra and Angel? What lessons do we get to learn?

The neck/throat chakra is associated with communication—honest communication. As I write in my book S/He Dragon this honesty between logic and intuition activated my Wing Chakra. I feel this activation in GOLOV meditation as my arms and spine feel expressive—ALIVE—in joy!

After posting I get that I should say something about “bondage” which is one example of how sacred relationship and sexuality gets twisted into patterns that are not creative because they are lower chakra in focus, in domination. Same way that the word “Fuck” is used as common language when it’s a sacred act not to be tossed around and toyed with. How polarized humans have been on the chakra scale and DNA chain. Truth (Light breaking through matter) changes everything—Hallelujah!! And this is a wholistic experience including North, South and the entire circle. Cosmic !!

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