Spiritual Journeying

Change Your Box, Change Your Reality is my “Go To” meditation right now as I heal buried habits and a knee. I recognized Parts Therapy (a tool for hypnotherapy) in the meditation and it’s the work I need to do right now. I’m not receiving all the information in the meditation, I’m not 100% attentive, present. This house with many floor levels is getting hit with Light rays of regeneration—no, not the right word—generation. Present not past. (Dr Joe is such a great teacher.) Now, can I catch my habitual words of criticism and judgment of self and others? My mind says: “You want to become a Saint?” What would that look like if my house was filled with Light? Oops, delete, delete. I AM a house overflowing with Light. This overflow heals! This reversal in thinking, seeing and language is another hypnotherapy technique called Reframing.

Had a great Past Life Regression session yesterday. I love doing this work. It’s a way to love the person in front of me as well as the beings, people, places, memories, etc that come up in the client’s journey (shamanic as well!). I now see that it’s a way for me to love the subconscious and unconscious realms. And I get to be creative by listening to my intuition in response to my client’s process. Being paid generously is a bonus! My healing work is more like Spiritual Journeying as I integrate many tools. One outcome from the session is that her dad wants a PLR session. Problem is I can’t understand his broken English (family is Indian) Solution is this client’s sister and my friend will sit in to assist. I loved the way the father “lit up” when he asked for a session.

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