Shamanic Extraction

GOLOV 5/27. Earlier in the day as I walked down a hallway I became aware of a space in front of me that can assist with choices I make. As the meditation began this space came through as a “head light” representing being conscious of what’s ahead—in front of me—in the moment. This grounded eye sight is the process of thinking! I was told to breathe often with head light awareness as I break old patterns.

A Spirit woman has been with me recently. I saw her face and acknowledged her. A Feminine presence was with me in this meditation. I drew her wispy quality as moving East West—opposite of that large masculine N/S being in a recent meditation. I yielded to the whirling energy (whirl wind) and found myself with a woman in this realm who is a shaman. I did extraction healing at her heart by pulling out darts or chards that had been inflicted. I watched while being guided. I asked about the open area as I didn’t want to leave it exposed. I didn’t get guidance so I offered soothing white light of protection and love.

This New Earth has new instructions that include the Four Directions and Elements of Water, Air, Earth, Fire.

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