Filling New Space

It’s 3:33 am and I’m meditating again—by choice. But…I discover that Body doesn’t want guiding words. It wants quiet. The first message is: I don’t do meditation or shamanism—meditation and shamanism does me. It moves through me— I Am Being rather than I Am Doing. This makes all things new. It’s an evolving and dissolving process.

I’ve lost a spark for external achievement and would be quite content as a hermit in Nature. Yet a friend and I are designing classes to share with people which brings up in me the feeling that I don’t want to talk about Spirit. How can I be my mystical self through these classes? How do I talk about the Mystical? She and I complement one another so team work is happening naturally. She has left brain strengths that are required in this dimension. I have mystical experiences that….. what? It’s a new field in which to let Spirit move.

I was going to write about the insecurity that was coming up for me in this New Earth. But I heard my meditation teacher talk about cancelling such thoughts for Truth! I am thankful for that reminder!!

I notice a difference in my brain. There’s a new tune/vibration moving me forward. In the moment I listen for direction. Who do I spend time with? How do I spend my time? It’s definitely a time of new ground and new choices. In Truth the path forward is not a choice. It’s carved out by many factors because we don’t live in or as vacuums in empty space.

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