Shift on Turtle Island

3/20/2021 GOLOV Meditation

Turtle joined us. Turtle Island and Spring time. Deep meditation. Band of mystical colors/designs.

In water. Round opening above. I am at the right (East) trying to climb up the ledge. Why is this so funny? Where do these images come from? Then Turtle swims up past the ledge—makes sense !!

I am looking down at astronaut boots. I wear Astro suit and round transparent head gear. I am looking down on colorful skirt, white blouse, dark hair. Past lives? Future lives? Or NOW moment?

Are these images in subconscious and replaying in meditation? I can associate turtle with a recent FB image and the water, opening and ledge with a survival story I read. Is it emotional energy in subconscious that comes up with images in meditation?

Must be time to get out of the water and into open air of upper consciousness. I recently saw that I could shift lens. Time for a shift?

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