Heal Thyself

3/2 GOLOV Meditation

During the song I Am Bliss I see white robes worn by a body without a face/head. Again and again there is nothing above the shoulders. When the names of Masters are chanted they parade through the space of face/head—the Eye of the Needle. Thought and feeling is that I am not alone. I am in good company—mystical company. This is my audience who sees, hears and knows me. Very comforting !! People ask what my Angels and Guides have to say. They don’t speak linear language. They speak heart language and with that support I connect the dots in this reality.

I stop being pulled around by emotional eating, eat less carbs and sugar and—my knee acts out. An old injury? Torn ligaments? Doc thinks arthritis. I am choosing to not get an x-ray. Once they have a name for a condition that is “passing through” they do their best to push meds or surgery. I am healing my knee via my doc within which means I am communicating, sending energy, loving my knee. First I noticed that I was standing on my right leg so I am now conscious of shifting weight to be balanced. Then I noticed my ankles popping and energy shifting in my legs. Then my toes! I am getting a new knee without surgery!

I am very plugged in to mystical realms full of mystics—not so plugged in to this one. And yet I keep being pulled to do something more in this realm full of people. Part of me wants to stay hidden like that faceless body. However, I am being pulled forward into Light. I need healthy knees to work in this world !!

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