Goddess Flesh ~ A Prayer

Goddess was a powerful force early in my spiritual journey. She made me feel alive, as if She lived and breathed through me. Her elements were my elements and I came to know my own nature as Earth, Water, Air and Fire.

This flesh is Goddess flesh. This Earth is Goddess Earth. We share miles and miles of terrain, brought to life by invisible grids of energy. We share patterns and pathways sacred.

Energy vortexes of dancing light coil from crown to root and root to crown as Kundalini Serpent sets matter afire. Ignited glands—ovaries, adrenals, pancreas, heart, thyroid, pituitary and pineal circulate vital life force, generating core substance of who I am—creating my personal environment.

Pollutants of body—be gone! Pollutants of mind—be gone! Pollutants of heart —be gone! Let my fire burn clean and bright.

This flesh is Goddess flesh. This earth is Goddess earth. We share miles and miles of terrain, brought to life by invisible grids of energy. We share patterns and pathways sacred.

Energy vortexes of dancing light spiral from sun to earth and earth to sun as Kundalini Serpent sets matter afire. Ignited pathways—Stonehenge, Dragon Hill, Machu Picchu, Ayers Rock, the Great Pyramid, Grand Canyon, and Mt. Baker emit vital life force generating core substance of who She is—creating Her global environment.

Pollutants of earth—be gone! Pollutants of air—be gone! Pollutants of water—be gone! Let Her fire burn clean and bright.

S/He Dragon ~ How I Found My Wings Chapter 25

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