Generating Love
So much happens in meditation. This morning with GOLOV. I let the energy move me here, there, everywhere. Serpent seems to know this and is ready for a dance partner! S/He’s a good dancer!!
Image #1 was immediate. When I moved out of lotus position I recognized the similarity in posture, in design. Serpent is the energy that moves through—activating matter. Serpent is the expression of e-motion.
Image #2 emerged as a “filament” moving through my head and down to the center of the Earth. Sun above and Earth below. What a cosmic love affair reminding me of that “mystical marriage” between the pineal and pituitary glands (+/-). Positive Sun and Negative Earth create an expanded field of Love.
Serpentine energy moves my body as I meditate. One pattern of motion is top of head being pulled back which compresses back of neck. Bingo! Enter Reptilian Brain that plays a role as a coordinate. Does this head back and forehead (Third Eye) up create a lineup of chakra points and centers? Does it create a unified field? I noticed air was breathing me differently. It’s helpful to be resilient, open, to let new patterns emerge. Observation is a gift of consciousness.
Coordinates are lining up through inclusion. No part left out. More parts revealing themselves. We are Lighting Up.
“Generator” is a word that revealed itself in our GOLOV community. Yes we are !! Generating new Love point to point, line to line, surface to surface. Crystal generation !!