
Awake at 2:30 am thinking about humans generating “temperature” and how this is the basis of attraction or the absence of. Is temperature actually pH balance? Do our feelings, thoughts, words and actions emit temperature as ph balance? How is this related to spiritual substance?

Life feels like one big pot of soup. I can identify the positive and negative parts but not sure how they fit. I can feel the temperature increasing as the mixture moves and so, I pay attention. Something is changing in the “field” of my awareness!

The commotion includes thoughts that I am cold blooded, not comfortable with the way some people/families are so “touchy feely.” It feels needy to me and in some cases borders on inappropriate. It makes me wonder if I am a prude and yet these are signals (temperatures/chemicals) that I read. I don’t need constant physical touch to be affectionate. The mom I nanny for acknowledged this by saying that I am a warm person. It seems to me that one’s aura generates love. I guess that is one’s light body. (Laughter, eye contact, tone of voice are all expressions of love if that is what’s in the heart.)

I met a couple women online recently who were inconsiderate by “snubbing” or dismissing me. I am sure I do that to others as well. I acted this way when I was doing online dating. How could I be so cold and heartless—so impatient and annoyed? So now I get to look at those temperatures and chemistries of emotion of my ego body.

I notice that I “tend” relationships and this includes time. I intentionally see my family and friends on a regular basis. Is this meeting my needs or their needs? I’ve never asked them about a time schedule. Some relationships I work at staying connected.

So much behavior is unconscious. A soup that has no recipe or instructions. A soup that’s gobbledygook! If I can unravel the parts I can know the whole—at least for a moment—until it is stirred again. How about a recipe where the conscious, subconscious and unconscious are in the same pot at the same time. Am I that pot? If so I want Light to do the stirring. I trust Light of Love.

This post if about my human self. It speaks of emotional ego and change of awareness. I prefer speaking from my Angelic self—detached from this world in so many ways. Oops! That is not correct. I am “getting” that Angelic is “consciousness.” I can’t escape this reality as long as I have this physical body. Maybe I am grounding into quantum soup.

Time to meditate….

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