Monthly Archive: April 2019

Calling the Dragon Clan

Reading through old computer discs today I found this project idea from 2009 when I was laid off from Children’s Home Society of Washington after 18 years. I was always trying to find ways to fit into the system. It was and is a challenge for this Dragon.

February 2, 2009

Dragon Clan


Calling the Dragon Clan

If you have roots growing from your feet, electricity sparking from fingers, a serpent tongue, and laser-beam eyes this experiential workshop is for you.

Or, if you walk off balance, have idle hands, speak empty words, or see the world through darkness this workshop is for you.

Or, if you have bone spurs, arthritis, low thyroid, and tired eyes this workshop is for you.

Or, if you walk in grief, hold heartache, hide secrets, and judge others this workshop is for you.

Magic is afoot.  Be part of it.

Presented by Yellow Turtle Spirit in Laughing Waters

My identity has been through a job and earning income in this world.  It is how one contributes and survives.  New work opens inside out shape-shifting me.  I step forward as Dragon in this linear world ~ Dragon with Wings.  Who will relate? 

Unemployment will pay me to go back to school.  Is there a school for non-linear dragons?  Unemployment offers a self-employment assistance training program.  Do non-linear dragons qualify? Can dragons have a business to sell their magic?  I will be asking those questions and pushing into the linear system.  Dragons have a different compass and map obeying their own calling and lines.  It’s time to draw a new map in this world. 

(What exactly is a dragon in human form?  I am getting that it’s an integration of primal reptilian brain with newer brain holding/reflecting holographic and quantum universe.)

I have a vision that evolved step by step:

  • On a plane to Los Angeles reading John Hagelin’s article in Shift magazine about collective meditation reducing stress, crime and violence
  • In Sherman Oakes meditating under my sister’s orange tree I feel rich bliss and think this green job deserves monetary value in a new and green economy
  • Talk to friends about meditation as a green job
  • Obama expands the Department of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives; federal funds are available
  • Talk to Rev Charles about CSL communities from Seattle to San Diego providing meditation and prayer circles that receive funding to then circulate into local at-risk youth and environmental programs.  Congregation members pledge support and local businesses sponsor to help match the federal grant.
  • I manage the whole system of energy flows and have a green job in this world all along the western edge and arc

Having a vision is easier than grounding it.  There is red tape and tight pathways.  And departments to wade through to see what can fit.  I push into the linear system and ask the questions.  Can such a vision be funded?  Or is it another stepping stone moving into the next phase of creative cycle?  I am cranked into and cranked up by a dynamic wheel of life.  The lesson is to stay in the moment as things heat up and spin faster, faster.  Hold on….here’s another wave to ride.  Air currents pull one way, water currents swirl another way, and earth currents spiral…all driven by solar/soular heat.  It’s a dynamic combustion of forces and I am at the center – uncertain about this world of form but solid in spirit. Which world am I?  I listen and am guided through this transition.  Ground increasingly forms under feet.  Emotions learn to trust the infinite force behind it all.

Singing Bowl Medicine

Troy Bacon at SUFON Sunday

How was this fidgety body going to sit for two hours and listen to the SUFON speaker talk? How could I reign in the Sagittarius fire that so often gets ahead of me? Well, I didn’t have to because the Singing Bowl did! I was totally put in place, mesmerized, by the sound. I could not believe it! My body actually felt “pinned” down in support as if magnetic lines were holding me in place. It was wonderful! “More stillness” is on my “to do” list.

Why do I talk about myself, my experiences, all the time? Well, it’s not my ego doing the talking. Oops! I am being corrected. It is my ego doing the talking but it is the Light being talked about, recognized. I am fascinated how Light shows up through me and I want to honor it, talk about it, share it. So, I’m not sharing ego experiences. I am sharing how Light moves me and manifests—as I see it—as I see myself.

Lately I am listening and responding to David Wilcock’s and Corey Goode’s work via the Internet. I let their words sink in, circulate and settle and then I get to watch how response moves through me (reminding me of stirring a witches’ brew). It is very fulfilling to have something substantial to respond to. I am “getting” that Light is satisfied as well. What does that mean? It’s as if the communication is a sacred communion—with Light. Fulfilling in all directions reminding me of that Singing Bowl.

Cold Blooded

Why do so many people have dogs? Whole neighborhoods parade them up and down the street. What needs are being met? Whose needs are being met?

Being a Mystic I can’ t talk to people about many things I see or think (so I blog). Dogs for example: I sense invisible beings attached to dogs and these beings in turn attach to their dog’s human. It feels enmeshed to me—crowded.

I need a lot of open space around me and not the “pull” of animals. A friend’s cat is very needy and always wants to be in my lap. My energy field doesn’t want this cat in my lap—it feels like a drain to my whole body so I send the cat away. It’s not just me as a personality responding it’s my energy field!

Ah-ha! This same drain happened in a group I was active with this past year. The leader’s behavior became too dissonant for me and I had to leave the group. I have joined and left so very many groups in my life! Each one connected to another time and space. So many lifetimes in this one life!

I must come across as “cold” and perhaps I am cold blooded like my Dragon ancestors. And then again, I am a nanny for four children who delight me when they say “hold me” (I, too, am being held) or when I hear them say “Trish.”

It’s my body that takes me through life. Thankfully it has matured and is now conscious about being conscious. So, I listen and learn from S/He. And the lessons are increasing seven-fold because of new people and beings in my energy field that resonate.

Solar Surge

(Geez! I wrote this post at 7 am this morning. I see tonight it is gone. How does that happen? Now, I have to remember the details—something challenging for my left brain.

I wake up and look/listen as if scanning terrain. Where did I fly, what forest shadows did I explore, what teachings did I learn?

I see that a recent spiritual, emotional, mental, physical experience was a “solar splurge” that activated my crown chakra and whole body and being. I have been learning about an external solar flare event from David Wilcock and Corey Goode but I see that I experienced it—but not in a vacuum. I experienced it as I was bouncing ideas off DW and CG via the internet. Odd how this fire/inspiration can happen through spiritual connection.

Radiation, Response, Union, Unified Radiation is a process I learned from the Emissaries of Divine Light as something to experience/know spiritually. Each part of this process is critical. In my personal life “response” has been sorely missed (there is much I cannot talk about—so I blog). There is vast potential in our unified radiation, response, union and unified radiation personally and collectively.

Writing this now, the second time I notice that the original emotion is missing. Ah, the fire is missing! And that changes everything!

Life Review

I seem to be going through some sort of life review. It is not pleasant—a lot of negative self-talk is playing. Yes, I am very critical of myself—maybe I am trying to find that perfect pitch. Is there such a thing?

And at the same time of this negative bombardment I am having difficulty keeping my feet on the ground in this reality and finding the right words for communication. Sometimes my brain simply doesn’t work and it is very awkward being around people.


Last Saturday at two Seattle locations two different oriental men popped in and kept walking around me (in my car and at the beach) staring into space. Their obvious presence and somber, blank looks were creepy. I thought they were Ufology related and wanted something from me. A day later after the “odeur” subsided (that word popped in so I am using it) I thought they were sex trafficking. What would they want from me? As I now ask I get: “my Light.” I did hear on the news yesterday that a sex trafficking ring was arrested at the Seattle pier. I am used to being protected (except for the stalker/hacker) so this was very odd. The circumstance had a certain “ring” to it reminding me of a more pure “surround sound” I had recently tuned into. I have felt/heard that “ring” since Saturday and my body became very alert—on edge. Did I “tune into” the sound of sex trafficking? Time will tell if/how I work with this.