As a Seer this energetic spiral is what I saw in my drumming meditation last Sunday, 9 am. For weeks I had been seeing spirals in relationship to planet Earth. This time the spiral enveloped me! I was inside the spiral and was reminded of a teaching from the Emissaries of Divine Light: an X represents the crossover point of Heaven and Earth. In my personal experience this spiral also represents Kundalini energy which I have mentioned on my blog
How does this spiraling energy apply to a larger universe? Is it associated with portals, teleportation, levitation, intuitive hits or downloads? Is it representative of a universal force?
Matter is receptive. Subtle energy is positive. When the two opposites fuse a charged spiraling circuitry is activated. Without this unified force our world is flat, void, dark and dying.
Raise both arms skyward in a V formation. Invite this spiraling energetic force into you, your life and in so doing into Planet Earth. This is “the force that unifies the parts of one whole” (channeled words in this moment). This is what democracy looks like: free flowing inclusion called Love.