Monthly Archive: November 2016

Lion Activation

Last month I met a Lion rock inside the gate at ECETI Ranch near Mt. Adams.

Last Sunday after our SUFON meeting I met friends at a coffee shop and chose a cozy table next to the fireplace. My friend commented about the ornate fireplace and as I turned to look there was Lion!

The next morning as I awoke and did my usual listening/watching to see what was “up” (I often receive “marching orders” in this receptive window of time) an email started to take shape and in the middle of it a distant Lion was walking toward me. Lion seemed holographic (as if Third Eye sees via hologram) with golden sparks glittering up and down its legs.

Ngamo male 69 walking

Ngamo male 69 walking

Two Indian women friends, close to the Hindu Goddess Durga, introduced me to her. “Goddess Durga is the mother of the universe and believed to be the power behind the work of creation, preservation, and destruction of the world.” She rides a lion / tiger. (I notice the sword that is similar to Archangel Michael’s sword.)

Shakti Maa Mother Goddess Durga

Shakti Maa Mother Goddess Durga

What does Lion mean to me now that it is more actve/present than Dragon? I sense Dragon is associated with flying and Lion with grounding. Yay! I welcome more grounding in my life!

The Ultimate Soul Journey


I am reading The Ultimate Soul Journey by James Gilliland. This paragraph on pages 157-158 is a highlight for me. It outlines our process of ascension on Earth that is supported by extraterrestrial intelligence.

“First the Shekina feminine energies such as Mary, Buffalo Calf Woman, Quan Yin and other feminine Masters would balance out the patriarchal energies. This would pave the way for Pleiadian contact, followed by the Masters from Orion, Sirius and Arcturus. Then the Andromedan energies would come in; the beings mythologically known as archangels. They have magnetized light bodies that are eight to ten feet tall, and are the true overseers of the multiverses.”