Feedback Loop Cleanse
My intention on my birthday, November 30, was to delete refined sugar and wheat from my diet for one month. During the first two weeks I noticed that I hit an occasional Y in my path giving me the choice to take the familiar route and eat the same foods or take the unfamiliar route and reach for new foods. To my surprise I kept choosing the new path. At a recent Gregg Braden workshop I learned that any new thought, feeling or action creates a new neuron in the brain. I was surprised at how easy this was this time around. My whole brain-body was and continues to be ready!
Last Sunday, fourteen days into the cleanse, a friend brought me German holiday bread that she had made. I was feeling tired and reached for a slice without hesitation. I ate some and it was so good. Yesterday I ate a few chocolate chips and a cookie. Am I “going off the wagon.” Why am I now choosing the old route? I notice feelings of sadness and thoughts of negativity and conclude—I am detoxing!
This cleansing is very personal as I remember (in shamanism this is a “re-membering” of a lost soul part) that little girl in the third grade who was called “Fatty Patty.” Deep emotion wells up bringing tears. I keep reaching back for her to love her now as I could not then.
I am not off the wagon. I continue on track with foods that give me vitality such as oranges, pineapple, raw cashews, salads, beets, spinach. Which reminds me of Balboa, a spirit guide who instructed me, years ago, to eat spinach and beets. Balboa must be cheering me on from the other side, the spiritual dimension.
And so it goes. Consciousness. Rippling out through feedback loops through outer space of multidimensions and inner space of my psyche. Feedback loops making all things new.