Monthly Archive: October 2014

Activate Inner Shaman


Now, is the time to step into our power. Now, is the  time to let power step into us, through us. Sustaining left brain logic in linear reality won’t get us there. Now, is the time to transcend that limited brainwave and awaken, activate our inner Shaman. Why? Because consciously activated humans are being called to join forces in the great battle of Dark and Light. Now, is the time to sign up and join heavenly ranks in the uplifting of Gaia.

I have my own story, my own earthly drama regarding Dark and Light. What is your story?

I was in the dark and hit bottom at age 25. Archangel Michael lifted me in Light. At age 28 I was in an old Victorian home and dark spirits appeared. Alarmed, I held out my hands and focused, radiating white light. Three times they came at me; three times they dissipated. Since then I have met many dark entities in shamanic realms…altered states of consciousness beyond ordinary beta brainwave. And I have met some dark entities in this physical realm.

For years I have been stalked, and my communication systems hacked, by a two-legged male in this realm. He wants power over me and works to block my voice, my Light. His grip has tightened the past few months. (I heard his most recent wife left him, so perhaps more time to harass me.) This tightening is why I am telling more of my story now. I will not hide from Darkness. I will not be silent.

Gaia and Sun

Dark and Light are parts of my personal story. There is, however, a much larger story at play. Look around at the disease, corruption, violence, insanity—locally and globally. This is not the human species, this is a dark force working to destroy Nature: Mother Nature and Human Nature. These toxic forces use humans to do their bidding. Darkness is not who we are.

We humans are at a very critical crossroad. It’s time to acknowledge this invisible dark force working to destroy life on this planet. Global destruction has happened before. Now, however, conscious Light Workers are in place, like an immune system waiting for its cue to respond.

When we hear about another high school shooting, another terrorist plot, another greedy corporation, another rape of woman and Mother Earth, another clear cut, another pipeline, another animal slaughtered, see the larger picture, the whole—see the energy field behind matter, behind all the parts. It is here we meet Dark with Light. It is here we take up sword of Truth. It is here we calm the raging seas.

I invite you to activate your inner shaman and radiate white Light. I invite you to get to know the healing energy force that moves through your hands, feet, eyes and mouth. This energy work is our next step. We fly as conscious/enlightened parts, lifting the whole. No, we are not perfect. No, we are not famous. No, we don’t have external credentials. Our power is within propelling us onward, upward on wings of Truth, Love and Life.

The time is NOW!

Slime Mold Totem

slime pink

Hi Trish,
I googled Meg Wheatley. Her concept of looking to nature for hints reminded me of the icon of grassroots organizing that I like to pay homage to: slime molds. They transcend boundaries and their lifestyle is quite curious. I’ve attached a ‘poem’ I wrote some time ago praising slime molds. I think the Wilderness movement has been going through the spore stage and is about to spring forth, having disseminated across the landscape. At least I hope so…
be well,
ps: slime molds have their own website and organization of admirers

Slime Mold Totem

icon for organizing

bridging boundaries

plant and animal

individual and community

fungible amoebas

identical yet individual

sliding together on charismatic clue

to differentiate in form and function

transform into highly organized slime

efficiently networking by design

humbly on a mission

to replicate itself

a thousand fold

with pollen on the wind

spreading into fertile ground

Dragon Path

Dragon Path

Hi Trish,

How’s your book coming along?

I returned from Britain last week. There is a plaque on top of Glastonbury Tor marking the Dragon Path that runs from Avebury Stone Circle in the northeast to St. Michaels Mount in the southwest.

I planted a crystal on Glastonbury Tor along the Dragon Path. I planted more crystals at Avebury so I hope it helps keep Dragon energy flowing. I also planted a crystal at Stonehenge. I was going to plant a crystal at Woodhenge, but my wooden “wand” broke off as I was digging and left a piece of wood in the ground, so Woodhenge spoke!

Avebury felt spiritually connected to the cosmos. You can still walk among the stones and touch them. Stonehenge is a big tourist attraction and you can only look at the stones from a distance.

Hope you are well,

Linda (Nature Spirit Medicine Circle)

Glastonbury Tor

Reconnecting With Place

Gaia image

A defining aspect of modern life is the perception of separation between ourselves and the place we live. We live uprooted lives pursuing money and technology to buffer or subdue Nature. We feel ungrounded and our place is dying from neglect. The hubris of ignoring or trying to control Nature is taking a toll on us and, naturally, on Earth.

Now is a good time to reconnect with our place. Survival of the living Earth and all life on it, including our own, may depend on our timely reconnection. If we listen to the Earth we can learn to cultivate our connection to it. When we become aware of ecological threads that bind the myriad living beings and physical/chemical process that are continuously woven together to sustain our lives and the living Earth we naturally feel gratitude and compassion.

By Larry Campbell

Brought up on the loose in the Northern Rockies in tow of a geologist father mapping rural areas Larry developed a love of nature. Larry also enjoyed quasi-urban life when attending Princeton University. After graduation he traveled overland to practice purna yoga at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry India for six months. Fortuitous circumstances led to a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat with Goenkaji in Bodh Gaya India, followed by several refresher retreats over the years. He now practices attention to sensations while navigating daily life in the city and in wild nature. Several trips abroad visiting pre-industrial cultures inspired Larry to build an off-the-grid, “simple but elegant” farmstead in Montana which is reaching fruition after decades of whittling and digging. Larry has worked for income as a mineral exploration geologist, wilderness backpack guide, environmental activist and carpenter. Environmental activism has been his primary avocation along with building the farmstead. Connection to nature has been his port in the storm during these times of chaotic change. He has great faith that the evolution of consciousness will continue and eventually humans will deserve to be called homo sapiens.

Open Space

Principles of Open Space Technology Poster_1024

The self-organizing system that I am part of is on the move pulling me this way and that by its Dragon tail!

I was invited to facilitate an Open Space session for an upcoming regional meeting of SCALLOPS (Sustainable Cities All Over Puget Sound) and guess what Open Space is about? It is about self-organizing!

Open Space is many things. It is an experience, a spiritual practice, a group practice and a personal practice. I will share more here as I re-educate myself on this technology.