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Circle of Life

What Truth transpires in the East of birth and sunrise? What do you remember? What do you know?

What Truth transpires in the South of Sun and adolescence? What do you remember? What do you know?

What Truth transpires in the West of adulthood and sunset. What do you remember? What do you know?

What Truth transpires in the North of Now and dark mystery? What do you sense? What do you know?

Emotional Upheaval

Feeling that wound allows me to heal layers of false relationship—relationship lacking a full circuit of Love and Respect. 

That experience carried with it a physical/somatic sensation that I experienced in past relationships—when what was round went flat. I know it as the sensation of dead end relationship. It’s a short in the circuit. It’s a break in the system that warns when something is not working. It’s chemically emotional when bonds are broken.

A friend recently told me that she was heart broken. I couldn’t relate. I couldn’t remember heartache. Now I can. Now I can relate to relationship trapped in old patterns. The pattern runs deep near and far.

Feeling the wound come to surface is like watching the hurricanes, floods and volcanic upheavals. Mother Earth is severely wounded. The Feminine is severely wounded. We enter New Earth to heal old earth. How? I’m not there yet. I am, however feeling some relief. It’s a release of pressure that had me trapped and showed up in my compulsive relationship with food. I let go more and more.

The emotional body deserves respect within oneself and from outside oneself. It deserves to be heard. Light of Love is the healing agent. Love oneself and change happens at the depths because one soars in the highest of intention.

Conductive Current

Woke up to my fingers in  “sinews” massaging and separating. In the past they reminded me of umbilical chords. It’s an untangling of tissue so electricity of sun can flow as a “conductive” current. Will look that up for its meaning. I’m trying to get to work on time. “Less shorts in the wires.” Brain matter? Grey matter to white.

Dragon DNA

Facebook Memory from September 30, 2014

helix ladder

This morning I woke up to the sensation of a self-organizing system. S like in flow I was reaching out with right arm and hand to another “orb” in space and then I was reaching out with left arm and hand to another. I thought of this as “do-se-do,” as in square, contra or polka dancing. However, I read that do-se-do movement is back to back and this sensational motion was hand hold to hand hold—a promenade! Since arms and hands represent dragon wings (in my experience) I conclude that a self-organizing system includes parts or orbs that hold fire at their core.

My core fire and dragon wings activated when my right brain feminine engaged with my left brain masculine in honest and deep communication, beyond surface chit chat. I see and know this dance through Third Eye or Dragon Eye as a DNA spiraling ladder. This seeing is not imagination of a linear mental mind. This Seeing is holistic, intuitive, knowing all at once – at the speed of Light!

Seeing and knowing I conclude that our core fire (as a collective human chain)  is changing the DNA of matter. As I write in S/He Dragon ~ how I found my wings: Light evolves matter.

Conscious humans unleash a Dragon Promenade into the world for the greater good. We don’t manipulate what that looks like. We don’t judge good or bad. We simply breathe fire because that is our core strength.

Stillness in Motion

GOLOV is a meditative space that threads me with divine energy. 8 is the flow of its e-motion. And get this! Even when my mental mind is chattering the 8-flow is still in motion with Omni substance. Sounds like Oversoul in action whose Love is Omni —all knowing.

In GOLOV yesterday I saw two radiant blue eyes. I recognized them as Yogananda. I was happy to see him again and asked what he had to share. His response was that he’s present to offer support. Such is the nature of our Light Lineage. 8 is a network of support. It’s crystalline and shining.

For years I’ve stopped to ask, “How would a human do this” or “ What would a human do.” Some things I don’t know instinctually. The question rises when I’m tuned in elsewhere and it turns the energy a different direction in my brain. A Logic turn! Clockwise?

I’m hungry for sleep. It’s nourishing lately. It’s luscious!  I could sleep all day if my body and life would agree. Where do I go during sleep? I sense I’m being of service in other realms. Who designs this order? Who is the Master of this design?

He (human) said I was “triggered.” Not my word. The fact is my brain was “pinched” (different than head ache which in my experience was dull in sensation—and which I learned to change/even out/neutralize years ago through personal focus/pressure). This pinched sensation tells me that I need to “find higher ground.” That higher ground has more quiet space and less chatter. Sleep is such a space. Definitely a brain wave.

I’m asking why I don’t feel like doing this or that. I’m getting that light bounces off matter and not social media or technology. To be real. To be in Omni color.  It’s a different bouncing of Light. More space. Less noise. This is the best way for me to communicate the image and feeling. Empty space is far from nothingness. 🌀 It’s stillness. Fill up space with stillness. Fill the day with stillness in motion.

Crystal Grid

I spontaneously opened Instagram today and saw that Davidji was doing a live session. I listened in. I met Davidji years ago when I was attending Deepak Chopra events. There was something unique about him then. Today I’ll say that—he knows Dragon Speak. And why was I connecting with him today? The answer was instantaneous: the Crystal Grid is forming.

A Mystical Round

What was that? It was integration of parts from human(s) to underground (N/W/S) and human(s) to overground (S/E/N). Indicating inner (S) and outer (N) alignment  Thus, a mystical round of experiential knowing. 🌀 Instruction was simple: meditate!