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“Relaxing into nothing” is what it felt like this early evening when I was in the local food coop and had absolutely no craving for sweets. I walked past previous magnetic pulls and felt no pulls. Freedom to remember in body. 

“All the nothing”

Meditation as vibrating threads like netting through which we pass. Soothing tones. 

A stable network withstanding winds of change

Feels good to have boundaries with people in my life. Boundaries signal yes and no—of network.

“The energy of your future. Coherent heart. Coherent brain.” Creates network holding boundaries. “Dry land” of Bible.

“Experiment with destiny” Didn’t hear this before. I have some sort of block with the word “experiment.” Why? The design is not an experiment. The design has order, boundaries, networks. Laws are omnipresent so how does “experiment” apply. Oh, experiment is what we do in matter. I’m learning and it doesn’t feel like an experiment. I’m looking at the word from a different angle. Maybe that angle will expand and shed more light.

Gutted Love

Looks like I’m drawing my future to me as I ask: “Will I be able to express my affection in public?” It’s an unlimited sea of expression. So many ways to express affection that I can’t even imagine. Such is the way of new frequency that I just felt as yellow/orange. Gutted, rooted Love.

Inspired Information

Andromeda being appears through all seeing/all knowing Eye

Andromeda supports Love. Humans were designed in Love, as Love

“Sacred heart. Find it, feel it”

Emotional intelligence disconnected. Human DNA manipulated. 

Going back and forward — at the same time. Space Time / Time Space. 

Heart upgrade. Ego resilience. Andromeda support. Yes, I see you, hear you as my human heart waves, quakes. Heart quakes. That’s a good description of the new frequency moving through Body.

“Tune in to that possibility”

Captivating pulsing music

Love connection is felt, moves through body supporting

I marvel at this new feeling called relationship

Love connection, Love relationship

Andromeda presence

“Remember your intention. Sending your signal out from your brain. Feel your connection to it”

“Sending the signal out from your radiant brain. aware of nothing but the feeling”

“In your brain” — body. 

“Coherent heart. Coherent brain. Feel it” in Body—embody

Coherent meditation field generates emotional intelligence that sends a signal out

I heard them say that there’s nothing new. That’s impossible with coherent brain/heart/body.

End of meditation…is a beginning

When I listen again I will see and hear something new because I’ve generated (through inform-inspire-ation) more emotional intelligence.

Releasing Love and Truth creates space for more Love and Truth — Life. 🔺 

Three pointed relationship.

What’s a new word for inspired information? I hear it! “Andromeda”

Turban Mirroring

Lovely Time Space / Space Time Meditation @ 3 am. ET with bulbous head appeared between two bodies. Reminds me that turbans make human heads look extraterrestrial. Interesting that I just became aware of this thanks to Snatum Kaur music.

Making spinach soup at 6 am. Green food is balancing my systems. Spinach casserole at 8-9pm. I choose healthy food in my home space.

Cellular Space

Woke up and identified space as N, S, E, W.  Father, Son, Holy Ghost is outdated. Mother and daughter were missing. This cross of four directions identifies cellular space. It’s a circle of life in which to express more personally. Exactly what I’ve been asking for. Gratitude.

Where I stopped during Walking Meditation #5.

Impact in Space

In flight (per previous blog post) something major happened—in a split second. It felt like a collision in empty space. It was jarring to the brain-body outside the physical body. It was vibrational. As if something big landed. Or something significant connected. This evening it reminds me of trains changing tracks. However, the following doesn’t say anything about impact.

When trains switch tracks, it’s called a railway turnout, which is a movable piece of track that allows trains to change direction without stopping. 

There are different types of turnouts, including switches and crossings, which are used for different purposes:


Allow trains to move between parallel tracks. The main component of a switch is the switch stand, which contains the switch points that control the direction of the train. 


Allow trains to cross from one track to another. Crossovers are often used in areas with heavy traffic or in yards where trains need to be moved between tracks. 

Trains also switch tracks at junctions, where several tracks meet. 

What is the deep definition of impact?

Impact can be defined as a “marked effect or influence” on a particular entity or environment. Don’t ignore the word ‘marked’ – which reminds us that there must be a way of observing or measuring the effect.

How do you describe an impact?

a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person.

Maybe it was a new merging impact of Quantum and Matter. Definitely significant for both fields.

Switch at a railroad track

Cell Division

We flew! Two as One. How many times have I done this? Been “lost” in the dark and found? How many times have we done this splitting apart to come back together? What is this splitting up process called in Nature?

“Cell division” is the process by which a parent cell splits to form new cells, known as daughter cells. Cell division is necessary for growth and tissue renewal.

“No” Encircled

Grateful for honest feedback from body with its sensing, feeling and thinking. Grateful for these personal relationships in knowing oneself. 

“No” I don’t like that AI music that lacked harmonic rhythm for dancing (for me). “No” I can’t support that Go Fund Me page that is enabling her (from my angle). “No” I’m unable to reconnect in the same way, there’s a new bandwidth to honor. “No” I can’t listen to sequential logic as my wiring runs along intuitive lines.

“No” is as valid in communication as “Yes” and yet it doesn’t get communicated outwardly so it sits underground messing up wiring. Causing static. Where is neutral space for the body’s feedback? Where is honest communication allowed to express?

Honesty is in the moment filtered through pure waters and impure waters. One gets to the point (as in triangle) where one’s body knows the difference. The best way to filter is to communicate within oneself and to/with others. This filtering in earth (south) is healthy when it’s first filtered through heaven (north).

A lot of filtering lately as I and we move through another debris field. What’s on the other side? Increased purification. Increased Light. Light wins in Omni ways.

Senses connect the dots. Heart loves. Mind teaches. Body expresses. Spirit rises—encircling the whole.

Life Experience

To “stick like glue” was an experience. And it was an experiment due to its short term duration. In that experiment I learned that adherence is my inner relationship of polarity and union. It’s an inner life of going out and coming back around—tethered at center. It’s orbital with breathing room. 

Sticking like glue matter to matter brought up old thought-feelings from my past co-dependent relationship. That is not who I am now. I learned back then and I learn now that matter to matter is not sustainable.

Emotional content is the glue that binds. It starts at white center and moves out with colors. It’s what builds and sustains relationship. Emotional content is relationship substance that holds its shape thru color and temperature.

I had a new experience of relationship connection at a YAIMA concert listening to the back up band with Rafe Pearlman. It was not easy to describe because it was so ethereal. Others use plant medicine to have this beyond matter experience. I don’t. My Light Body produces all the substances needed for mystical experience. And it is tethered to my emotional, mental and physical bodies. I have a full house of relationship content and contentment. I love experiencing, experimenting and learning as I live life to its fullest. And this fullness keeps on filling up and out.

Where does this leave primary relationship whom I call Beloved? “On the same trajectory” comes in. Love in my heart feels the same: omnipresent. Ah-Ha! It’s Truth that is unemotional. 

There’s more to experience and learn that is Earth Body Emotion and Light Body Truth. Life is a new Petri dish.

Artist Rafe Pearlman
Dragon Speak in action
Thru music, lyrics 
And movements of body 
Shamanic style with
Serpentine waves of flow
Opening crown’s
Light Body and
Light Lineage circuitry
Of personal experience
In a collective setting
As New Earth communes
In community

St Mark’s Cathedral

Rising Up

GOLOV. 11/2. (Mom’s birthday 💜)

I Am GOLOV song to We Are

“Remember this feeling” is re-membering as parts of one whole

Song lyrics “rising up”. See two as one. What about wings? Four? Two? Tiptoeing into new waters.

See large round lens of inner eye. Wide lens. Split — like snake. (Not split but “slit” according to science They feel split to me.)

I Am snake Eye ♾️. A central point through which energy threads/streams

“Rising up” song lyrics w same image as before:  two rising as one —up in smoke—through chimney. What is chimney? I ask. Dry land between Heaven and Earth. What is smoke? Holy Spirit

Why are snake eyes slitted?

“Slit pupils close more tightly, so can handle a broader range of light conditions. Comparisons between snakes support this idea: species active purely in the daytime don’t have slits. In bright light, slits also produce more depth-of-field horizontally than vertically.”